Showing sad quotes for tag "HeartBroken"

I'm sad, Because I don't know how and where I find my heart.
I,m worry, Because I still cannot find my heart.
Tags: Hurt, Heartbroken
Broken... Into a million little pieces... Blood splatters the wall... Mixed with tears and regret...
Girl to boy: My heart is in your hands.
*Later in life they break up*
Girl: I should've just held on to my heart because you just crumbled it like if it was a piece of paper.
"It's better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all."
they say if you love someone you should let them go, so I guessed you loved me, cause you are gone... you let me go... forever
Three things do not try to looking for..
 "love, luck and death!"
You hide in the shadows of my deepest thoughts and dreams, haunting me in my sleep. You were my fist TRUE love, but i had to leave you behind, but i know deep in my heart and in my soul, i will see you again, i love you to much to let you go!
You always say you hate to see me hurt, and you hate to see me cry. So all those times that you hurt me, did you close your eyes?

Sad isn't it? How no matter what you do or say to me... when you come running back... when you need me again... I'll be here... right here waiting for you, I'll take you back... no questions asked. Sad isn't it?
Tags: Heartbroken, Sad, Love
If you walk away my heart will break.
i hate how much i love a guy that loves somebody else and that person hates him </3