She will cry, and get over it,
She will hate you and
then love u again
But one day she will leave and
she won't come back
- unknown
Submitted By: Span
Tags: Unloved, Gone
"You don't have the right to give up, unless you've tried"
Tags: Try, Give Up, Alone
Even though you try to forget, forget the love, the happiness, the fights you have with him. He'll move on and you'll still have that broken heart. But you just gotta realize, he doesn't want you
Tags: Unloved
And at the end of the day we are all just humans, drunk on the idea that, love and only love can heal our brokenness.
- Unknown
Submitted By: Sarah
Tags: Love, Broken
We were not perfect for the world, but we were precious to my world.
Submitted By: anonymous
Tags: Love, Breakup, Precious, Quotes
When life gives you pain make sure you remain strong and be happy in front of your enemies.
it's killing them to see you strong.
Love is Hard to find...
Harder to keep....   &
Hardest to Forget.. !!!
Tags: Suffering, Love
Thank you for loving me even if it was just for a week and thank you for making me feel as if you loved me again. You took me back to a time when you loved me and that's all I could ever ask for in this short lifetime. I love you, giant. Thank you for everything...
- 10080, exobubz
Submitted By: NatsuNoKokoro
Tags: Love, Sadness, Loss, Thanking, Death
I am not one who believes we all get what we deserve.
I believe what we get is the unexpected, even if we deserve it or not.
That's life, we have our ups and downs but if we didn't we'd be dead.
Life is like a wind
We didn't see our fucher
Life is like a water 
We didn't test it 
But time is like a diamond 
Plz don't waste our time.....
- Pranay from Darjeeling
Submitted By: Chitesh
Tags: Hopeless, Alone, Inspiring