Showing sad stories for tag "missing"

last moment with my DAD ;(

frecy maydeen

24 Apr, 2012 04:56 AM

On June 18, 2005, my life changed drastically, not for the better or worse but changed. As I go on to tell you my story you’re going to wonder how I can’t say for the worse, but I hope by the end you will understand. The day started out like any other day, got ready to go to work, and then had to stop by my dad’s girlfriend’s house to copy some things for my pre-school class. The phone then began to ring but I didn't answer it, the answering machine then answered the call and the message began. Little did I know that this message would be the beginning of a change in my life. As I stood making copies, my dad’s voice spoke on the answering machine stating that he was having a stroke and needed help. I then answered told my dad I was on my way... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Love, Missing, Sadness
Votes: 21

The fate of my love


13 Feb, 2012 11:46 PM

I was a very happening person in my college days. I used to live my life to the fullest. Being a Gemini I have a versatile nature. When I joined my degree college, me and my school friend joined a dance troop to get some extra pocket money. I met her there.... At first we were dead enemies, we literally used to envy each other. After few months, with couple of performances in and outside the city, we got to know each other. We were made partners for some couple performances.. Then we became friends. Slowly we started talking to each other more often. We exchanged our no's and started chatting at late nights. She was staying alone as her parents had settled in another city. She used to miss her parents a lot and the homely food. I then sometimes took food from home in vessels for her without... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Unloved, Heartbreak, Unforgiven, Missing
Votes: 10

First, Last and Only Kiss

Will Small

18 Dec, 2011 12:59 AM

There was once a young man who was in love. It was the same old story; he loved a girl who he knew from school. He loved her for years and they were close, talking on the phone well into the night several times a week, but they did not hang out together a whole lot. Then as the boy got older they started running with the same crowd, he was happy at first, until she started dating someone else, and of course he was friends with the other guy. Life went on, for our hero was used to being in love with her but not having her. So one day her boyfriend and she were having problems and he went on a family vacation for two weeks and the relationship was left up in the air while he was gone. So our protagonist took the opportunity and told her... [Read More]

Tags: Young Love, Heartache, Longing, Unloved, Memories, Missing
Votes: 3

I Wish...


11 Dec, 2011 07:28 PM

Jami's Diary 8th Grade Year I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Today I saw the most beautiful girl in the whole 8th grade class ,and the world. Jenny was her name, when i asked she spoke like an angel. I wish I could tell her how I feel... 12th Grade Year (Prom) I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Me and Jenny talked today. She really loves her boyfriend. They broke up and I had to comfort her after prom. She told me i was the best friend on the planet. I wish I could tell her how I feel... College Sophomore Year I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Jenny has grown even more beautiful if that's even possible. I saw her at a party with Derek. My heart sank, she was happy as ever. We... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Missing, Death, Heartbroken
Votes: 599

Aly's Song


22 Nov, 2011 10:12 AM

This story isn't solely about love. The following story is not about loss. It's not a tragedy or a romance. Rather, it's all of the above. I had done something terrible one day that had forced me to move out of my home. I moved in with my grandparents who had agreed to take me in. I didn't know the neighborhood, the school district, or anyone within twenty miles of me. I had never felt more alone in my life. I started going to Grissom Middle School that August. My reputation as a fighter and a hothead had followed me up from my old school. My peers tantalized and antagonized me to the point where I would've given my legs to have a fully loaded gun. One day, while I was home, I decided to go for a walk. All of the hostility I faced at school didn't exist in... [Read More]

Tags: Alone, Death, Friendship, Heartbroken, Memories, Missing
Votes: 20

Dear Dad <3


13 Oct, 2011 07:24 PM

Dear Dad, I still remember that dark night. Your sister or my aunt was here to visit you. She came with your crippled step mom and her husband who loved you as a brother so much. They were laughing about stories until there was a screech of police cars outside. The Vibrant colors of red and blue filled the house through the windows. I was only about to be seven so my mom told me to hide in the room. I was really nosy i know, so i pressed my ear to the door. My hair got in my eyes but i had a feeling of what i was going to hear was going to be really important so i ignored it. I heard my mom footsteps go down the main hall and the click of the door opening. She screamed. I stood up but i thought of her getting... [Read More]

Tags: Father, Dad, Love, Family, Death, Missing
Votes: 20

My love for you

Love stories

11 Oct, 2011 07:46 AM

This is a true story. I am 16 years old then, I knew you at secondary school. Although we are of different genders, but we communicate well. We found that friends of other genders have their own best friends, and both of us had none, and without telling, we became best friends. Being best friends, we do things together like eating, playing and studying. I message her everyday, I call her everyday. I think of her everyday in my mind at night. I found out that I love her. But I did not tell her this, I do not want our friendship to end just because of this. So I kept my heart for two years. Then I heard others said that she had a boyfriend that was not my opponent at all. He is good in studies, tall and handsome and richer than me. I am both angry and... [Read More]

Tags: Missing, Death
Votes: 62


Kabao Lee

10 Oct, 2011 09:03 PM

I went through so much with guys (9 guys)and so much pain but i never loved anyone this much. All those guys never really loved me, cared for me, understand me, or any other things. I dated so many guys because i was too nice to turn them down and end up caring for them more then they did for me. Also i figured that most of them dated me for my looks/body. It just funny how guys go for girls with a nice body. Well, anyways i stop searching and stop being nice. And then this guy came along... His name is Tou Vang, pronounce as the number 2, and he was new to the school. Honestly when i first met him i thought he was ugly lol but he's a really funny guy. My close friends (Was my close friends) liked him or thought he was really cute... [Read More]

Tags: Missing, Love
Votes: 2

I still care.


30 Sep, 2011 06:06 PM

I miss you. It started out in 6th grade. We were 11. It was Christmas break and you had asked out probably 4 girls. And, yes, i was your last destination. You told your friend, who told my friend, who told me, that you liked me. I still remember it to this day. I got your number, and we started texting. We started talking in December, and i liked you and you liked me, but i didn't want a boyfriend. We became very close. We were an awkward little duo. We told each other EVERYTHING over text. But nothing in person. We didn't speak once. Finally, after 2 months of "talking" you asked me out. I said yes. We still didn't speak in person, but we texted each other from 6:00 am, until late, late at night. At school we would save spots for each other at lunch, and in... [Read More]

Tags: Young, Love, Missing, Hard
Votes: 9

That 1st taste of Love


27 Sep, 2011 11:43 PM

We all grow up wondering when we will find are true love, that were destined to be with forever, and often find it at a younger age so here it goes. My name is Paige I am 19 and I'm from Iowa when I was 13 and in 7th grade I met the love of my life his name is josh he's a year younger then me but we were in the same class I went to school with him since I was in kindergarten. He always use to be just another face in the hallway until one day, we rode the same bus and we became assigned seat partners at first it was awkward and we were both quiet then we started talking one day he was always shy and still is for the most part. After a few weeks we started talking quite often and I fell in... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Teenage, Missing
Votes: 4