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That 1st taste of Love


27 Sep, 2011 11:43 PM

We all grow up wondering when we will find are true love, that were destined to be with forever, and often find it at a younger age so here it goes.
My name is Paige I am 19 and I'm from Iowa when I was 13 and in 7th grade I met the love of my life his name is josh he's a year younger then me but we were in the same class I went to school with him since I was in kindergarten. He always use to be just another face in the hallway until one day, we rode the same bus and we became assigned seat partners at first it was awkward and we were both quiet then we started talking one day he was always shy and still is for the most part. After a few weeks we started talking quite often and I fell in love with his big blue eyes and his personality and he felt the same about me. He was still shy but not as shy as he acted towards everybody else then school came to an end as it does every summer and we still talked but lot as much I would go to all of his baseball games just to see him play and support him and his team he had a great family and that just made everything better. Then through the summer we went barely talking then school started again and we were still on the same bus and we grew even closer he was always on my mind and everything was great he told me he loved me and that he missed me when we went on are little thanksgiving break then when we went back to school he asked me out, I instantly almost fainted and was so happy I couldn't breathe we went on a date for the first time to the movies and talked way more, then basketball season started and we were both busy but still kept in touch. Then one day he was just acting weird and he got mean I never could understand why he was having these mood swings but he broke up with me and he said he just wanted to "be friends". I was crushed for a year I couldn't have a real smile. His PlayStation, sports ,friends were all that mattered now not me. We still talk once in a GREAT while and It feels good to know that you can hurt so much over somebody because they mean that much to you. Perhaps it was me wanting him too much, I'll never know but my feelings for his gorgeous blue eyes will never fade he still looks at me like he wants something bit never attempts to talk anymore. Needless to say, be careful who you fall for because what can seem perfect one minute can be gone in a second and it sucks to wonder why no other person can make you feel the way they did ill always love him and cherish every second we spent together

Tags: Love, Teenage, Missing
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lil love says:
24 Feb, 2012 10:50 PM

sweet but sad. u can only love someone like that ones in a life time

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Nav says:
25 Feb, 2012 11:29 AM

Sad story..

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sulex says:
26 Feb, 2012 05:03 PM

that's very sad, am sorry!

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michael muhanga says:
03 Mar, 2012 08:20 AM

Its rily Sad.,I fil Sorry 4U Darling.,

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jrax says:
04 Mar, 2012 01:31 AM

it was the time where boys have puberty they really dont know what they want its kinda like a roller coaster

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Emmerz says:
11 Mar, 2012 10:16 PM

Almost the same thing happened to me! I am so so so sorry I hated when that happened! Here is the story: So I fell in love with this boy named Tyson he was a year older than me so he was in 7th grade. We rode the same bus. I got one of his friends to give me his number. We didn't sit by each other but one day on the bus I texted him and asked him to come sit with me so he did. It was pretty awkward. He asked me who I liked, since he knew a lot of my friends. I denied all of the boys he named. But he kept looking at me like I was the one he liked. Then unfortunately I had to get off the bus. A couple of weeks later my friend texted him and asked him if he liked me he said he wouldn't tell her he would only tell me. So he told me he kind of liked me. So a couple of days later I got up the courage to ask him out. I was so surprised when he said yes! We kept it on the down low for about 3 days then one of his friends got one of our notes and told all of 6th and 7th grade! So this was not what he wanted so he got mad at me blaming it on me. So eventually he forgave me and then they teased us so we didn't last long... We only went out for 2 weeks, sadly enough that is the longest I have ever gone out with anybody well it has only been like 5 months since then, but still... I can't agree with you more! Feels really awkward to date somebody not your age!


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