Showing sad stories for tag "love"

His Hero.


16 May, 2015 05:13 PM

When my wife died in an accident almost an year ago the only reason for me to live was my 3 year old son.He was the second best thing that ever happened to me after my wife.He used to consider me his hero as I was a rescue pilot he always insisted that I take him on my missions. One day I got a call at work that a school bus had dropped in the river due to heavy rain and slippery roads.I fired up my helicopter and flew there as fast as I could. There was zero visibility due to heavy rain so it took us a while.Until we pulled the victims out....the driver and the two kids they were half gone.After rescuing the victims I flew back to the hospital as fast as I could when suddenly my fellow rescue pilot patted on my shoulder:Give me the handle... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Separation, Shattered, Suffering, Father, Love, Wife, Pain, Death
Votes: 24

I'll never stop


07 May, 2015 10:49 AM

So there I was, January of 2012 and I just started working at this diner. No one could have warned me about the person I was about to get to know.. Before we talk about her, here is some back ground about me. When I was 15, I went through the most gruesome experiences in my life. I was pissed off all the time, I hated everything and everyone and I contemplated suicide everyday. I started to grow out of it as I went through my high school years. I graduated and just kept working. I still got angry easily and didn't love myself as I should. I was fighting with my parents 24/7 and sleeping in my car at a walmart parking lot. I kept these things mostly to myself around friends and coworkers because I didn't want their help. Let's jump back. So, I was a busser at... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Alone, Unloved, Hurt
Votes: 14

Stay with me now

Ryder gordon

03 May, 2015 05:51 AM

It has been about 2 years since she died, and I never got to tell her how I felt. Her name was Sadie and we were 13 years old and everyday we spent together we grew closer. We have been best friends since she moved here in grade 1, I can still remember the first day we met... I was playing out side with a toy helicopter when I my mom came out side saying that some one was moving in across the street. She told me to go and offer to help them, I gave her the look you give your mom when you don't want to do something. But she won that argument of course, I ended up over on there yard just standing there when they came out side to grab some more boxes. "Hi I'm Ryder" I said as I said in a loud but quiet... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Friendship, Missing, Love, In My Heart Forever
Votes: 12

I am no more.


01 May, 2015 12:17 PM

Her name was jane.She was the most beautiful girl in the world und the most popular girl in the school mainly because of her looks and personality.While I was an ugly guy who was bullied,abused and the loneliest guy of the school.The few good friend's I had left the school or moved on to become a part of the popular group. We used to study together since pre-school but never really talked to each other but I was madly in love with her.On the other hand she didn't even notice me.One day I decided to talk to her and give her a hint I loved her because there was no other way to tell her.Days passed by and her boyfriend although they weren't official noticed it that I had feelings for her Her boyfriend was far more handsome than me and the popular guy of the school.That night he came... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Suffering, Love, Darkness, Beaten, Death
Votes: 21

Who Am I? 04/29/2015

Harold Smith

29 Apr, 2015 04:38 PM

Table Of Contents Chapter 1: An Orphan Chapter 2: Friends Chapter 3: The Pariah Chapter 4: Forbidden Desire Chapter 5: Love Chapter 6: Self Hatred Chapter 7: Painful Memories Chapter 8: Demons From the Past Chapter 1: An Orphan 1: There was once a humble family who lived in Ireland. They were called the O'Neals. There was man named Brian, his wife named Ida, and their two children, a son named Dillon and a daughter named Claire. They were a poor family, but they were all honest, hard-working folk who all loved one-another dearly. Sadly, they suffered many abuses from their English landlords who stole their land and forced them to pay heavy taxes so that they were always poor. 2: Then came the great famine, and many people in Ireland began to starve. At first the O’Neals tried to make the best of things, but at length they fled... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hate, Good, Evil, Kindness, Cruelty, Peace, War, Romance, Heartache, Depression, Hurt, Pain, Loss, Sad
Votes: 13



10 Apr, 2015 01:21 AM

There once was a very lonely girl lost in her dark dark thoughts. She spent her time thinking of ways to kill herself, and how she was not worth the space she took up. She used to be happy, she had great friends and didn't care what ANYONE thought of her. For years she was bullied, but did she give a crap? No. She was herself and she was happy with that. Until they left her. They left her for new people, more popular people. This hurt the girl, she thought they were her best friends, she thought they would live out their lives together. But they only saw her as a tool. One night she was laying in her bed playing on her crappy old Ipod when she received a text from one of her old friends. "Do they want me back? Do they want to be friends again?"... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Suffering, Sadness, Love, Lost Love
Votes: 18

Living off of love

Elijah Medina

10 Apr, 2015 07:47 AM

There was a 16 year old boy named Tristan. He liked this girl named Breanna. He wanted to ask her to Prom for a while now. So he mustered up his courage and he asked her to Prom one day dressed nice, with flowers and a poster and all. She just apologized to him and said that she already had a date. The onlookers laughed at his effort coming to nothing. He sadly left and started to walk home. He saw a girl, lonely, sitting on a bench. He recognized her from around the school. "I think her name was Shar or something." He thought. He asked her if she would like to come with him to Prom. She just laughed at him and said "" He stood there for a moment, feelings building up, then he just said to her, "Just take the flowers so I can go cry."... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Heartbreak, Heartbroken
Votes: 14

Lost a sister


06 Apr, 2015 05:36 PM

This is a true story about two girls who were more like sisters than best friends... but that friendship slowly died. The names of the girls in this story will be changed because of identity safety. Ariel and I were best friends since we were little. We were more like sisters than best friends our moms used to say. I remember the day she changed completely... It my first day of 8th grade and I was excited to see my friends I haven't seen over the summer, especially Ariel. When I walked into the classroom, I saw all my friends and we talked about our summer. I was looking for Ariel through the crowd until I saw her head. I pushed through the crowd and there she was. At first I was shocked to see her because she was chubby, had acne all over her face, and she had braces.... [Read More]

Tags: Heart Break, Best Friends, Trust, Love, Sisters
Votes: 10

Losing hope for love.


03 Apr, 2015 07:57 AM

I keep telling myself there's someone out there for me, but each day that passes, it just gets harder and harder, and i'm losing hope. What if I've already met her and I don’t even know it? What if I've already lost her? This is how I feel every day. I can’t get past the feeling that I've found her but i’ll never be with her. Whether its because shes far too beautiful, smart, kind or any of the other numerous things I could list off of the top of my head, I just can’t fathom the thought that I could end up being happy. Why can’t I be happy? I long to be in love, that feeling of happiness, that motivation to be the best person I could be, I want it back. I want to be her best friend, her confidant, a shoulder for her to cry on,... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Pain, Sadness
Votes: 9

Reality is better than a Dream


27 Mar, 2015 07:19 AM

I apologize that this story is little long. Its my second story in this beautiful website. I hope you guys spend some generous time in reading this. --------------------------------------------------------------- Things were not going good in office lately… Meeting targets in the given time frame is hideous. On a not so fine Wednesday me and my colleague sandy decided to take a small break and stepped out of office at 10.30am… The coffee shop across the street is famous for its taste and quality along with its ambience which attracts mainly couples. Sandy barged in the door like he was about to knock out everyone inside for no reason, which obviously lead the people inside to goggle at us. We were the only two, accompanied each other with the same gender. Many of you boys know how awkward it is to hang out with a guy in a place where its pouring... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Death, Dream, Sorrow, Pain
Votes: 9