car accident


27 Aug, 2011 12:38 AM

One day there was a girl named Abigail,she's already 16 and his best friend named Josh who's 17.They're best friends since they're just 11,they are always together,and they love each other so much.One day when they were in school the principal was running towards the classroom where Abigail and Josh were to be found,when she arrived she called Abigail,the principal was very nervous and was shaking,when Abigail came she looked curiously to her principal and asked " Good morning Mrs. Jane (the name of the principal)is there something wrong? " the principal looked down and said " I don't know how to say this Abigail,but we know that we cant stay forever in this world,and we need to leave our love ones and go to our place there above" Abigail looked at the principal,she smiled and said " Yes i know that Mrs Jane,but why are you saying this to... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Father, Best Friend, Family
Votes: 15

Shattered inlove


26 Aug, 2011 08:30 PM

Me and my guy friends has been friends for 18 years. Only 2years ago he told me he has feelings for me since 6years back. He has a girlfriend and a baby girl of a year and 8 months. i stayed with him and his parents for 3 months and the girl and baby came over weekends. We couldn't keep what we feel for each other a secret. And because i know how he feels for the other girl and how shes treating him and know when we are together he is happy. We have been seeing each other for the past 4months. The thing that breaks me is he said that he wants to be with me and never want to loose me and i know it's true. But he cant leave his girl because of the child. I think its unfair towards the baby. He's almost never there,... [Read More]

Tags: Help, Adultery, Love, Broken
Votes: -1


vikas tanwar

25 Aug, 2011 08:18 PM

I never liked my step-mother. She never liked me, and she was quick to show her displeasure when I came each summer to visit my father and my little brother, who is only three or four years younger than myself, I'm not exactly sure--we've grown apart. We were staying with my step-mother's parents and her little brother, who was fifteen at the time, for the weekend. I remember looking up to Raymond. He was 'cool' in a four-year-old girl's mind. I could almost say I had a crush on him. But hardly in a sexual sense. He told me we were going to play, 'Aladdin', which was my favorite movie--it had just come out on video. We built a 'fort', that was supposed to be Aladdin's home, which was a futon covered with a sheet. Raymond told me I was Jasmine, he was Aladdin, and we had just gotten married.... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sexuality, Life
Votes: 2

A Tear For A Broken Heart


25 Aug, 2011 09:47 AM

Isn't it funny how at some points in your life, you think that everything is going so perfectly well and yet it always ends up badly? You spend hours trying to figure out why you're doing it all wrong all the time, why you always end up broken. You must be doing something wrong, obviously. It is said that through life, you make mistakes, time passes and you eventually learn from them. In my case, it's the total opposite. I keep making mistakes yet I never learn. What is a tear? Is it just a drop of water which comes out of our eyes? Is it just a drop of water gliding down the aisle of our cheek to reach the chin? Is it just a drop of water which escapes for freedom and takes the plunge of death from our chin till it hits the floor? Or is it... [Read More]

Tags: Tears, Heartbroken
Votes: 39

Tragic Christmas

Mystic Nightshade

21 Aug, 2011 09:58 PM

She shook nervously as she watched him leave his friends to go home. This was her chance. She had been crushing on him for nearly a year. However, because she was so shy, she could never muster the courage to really confess her feelings to him. When she had first moved to this town, she was too shy to make any new friends. However, he had been nice enough to talk to her and show her around. He was so kind and he always seemed so happy. Every time he smiled at her, she felt a flutter in her stomach and her heart would beat faster. When he saw her, he smiled. He knew from the first time he saw her that she was different. She was kind and she always seemed to put the needs of others before her own. Unlike most of the girls at school, she wasn't... [Read More]

Tags: Christmas, Love, Tragedy, Death
Votes: 73

I can't do this on my own.

Sophie Caruso

19 Aug, 2011 12:00 AM

I keep telling myself that it all happened for a reason. I'm the person that I am today because of them. If that all hadn't happened, I wouldn't have the outlook on the world that I do. I keep saying it happened for the better as painful as it all is but, I need to face it... This was never what I wanted. This was never what I asked for. They were the people that were keeping me alive each day. I gave up so much for them and we made some of the best memories together. They introduced me to new things and made me so much more confident. I really couldn't thank them enough for that. I didn't know that it was only going to last for that short period of time though. I honestly thought that it was all going to be my forever. But they all... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Heartbroken, Hurt, Tears, Cruel, Alone
Votes: 5

Best Friends Gone Wrong


18 Aug, 2011 08:08 AM

Okay here's my story. I went to this new school. At first everyone there seemed so nice. The first person who first talked to me was franchesca. Then alyssa,tammy, and then julia who later became my best friends. I thought that we would be best friends because we all had this connection that made us get along so well. But that doesn't always happen. But let me fast forward unless you wanna here about crappy schoolwork. Then one day franchesca had to leave the school. It was a sad day I mean everyone was crying. But franchesca and alyssa were like super close. The closest in our little group. Anyway then me and alyssa got to sit next to each other in English,social studies,science,math,homeroom, and gym. So we started to become close. But then she started to become a little to nice I guess so she started being rude to... [Read More]

Tags: Friends, Love, Life
Votes: 3

young lost love


18 Aug, 2011 07:52 AM

It all started off when i gave my heart away to this wonderful, beautiful guy. Even by writing this, it breaks and tears me deeply. Once we lose our first love, it feels like there's nothing left. When you're young the whole world feels like its floating above your head, and wait! then comes to this thing called LOVE! Talking about love, it can take forever. Happy and sad teardrops would be your best friend. It can either draw a life for you or just end your life. Falling in love can take just a second but falling out of love takes up your whole life. First love are always so, very powerful with all those emotions and feeling that you share. Feeling like you're standing on a mountain and watching these beautiful scenery. Watching laughter and smiles growing above on all those rainbows. Hope? it'll be there. But when... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Alone
Votes: 2

Will we still BFFL after this?....


17 Aug, 2011 06:23 PM

-Its a bit long, Sorry. I don't know what to do, Im confused about so many things. My feelings toward this guy I met,and then there's Z.R, We have been Bff since grade 9,I don't have real actual feelings for Z.R anymore I did when I was 14,that was..3 years ago, I'm 17 now same as him except hes older by a few months. he wants to do "stuff" and I don't do that with friends I'm not like him I can never be that way, I don't and cant just sleep around with friends, specifically with friends that i used to have real feelings for,Its weird. I used to think that maybe me and him would/could have a future together..But i grew up at 16, I don't know why but I think its because reality hit me,really bad. I just suddenly grew up, I still party and drink, But... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Pain, Friends
Votes: 2

The Broken Girl


15 Aug, 2011 04:58 PM

Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was the worlds biggest hopeless romantic, and always dreamed of finding her soul mate. She had severe, horrible abandonment issues, because her father had abandoned her. Her father was leaving one day and looked her straight in the eye and told her that she was unlovable.That no one would ever, ever love her. She had fallen in love before, but there was one special boy. She risked EVERYTHING for him. She wasn't aloud to date him. Her stepfather beat her when he found out she loved him, because she was 14 and he was 17. But she still loved him enough to keep in contact, even though she feared what her step dad would do. He swore multiple times that he wouldn't leave, that he understood her constant fear of abandonment. He told her he loved her, he promised he wouldn't... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Abandonment, Love, Sadness, Cutting, Self, Mutilation, Loss
Votes: 26