Best Friends Gone Wrong
18 Aug, 2011 08:08 AM
Okay here's my story. I went to this new school. At first everyone there seemed so nice. The first person who first talked to me was franchesca. Then alyssa,tammy, and then julia who later became my best friends. I thought that we would be best friends because we all had this connection that made us get along so well. But that doesn't always happen. But let me fast forward unless you wanna here about crappy schoolwork. Then one day franchesca had to leave the school. It was a sad day I mean everyone was crying. But franchesca and alyssa were like super close. The closest in our little group. Anyway then me and alyssa got to sit next to each other in English,social studies,science,math,homeroom, and gym. So we started to become close. But then she started to become a little to nice I guess so she started being rude to me. A lot. She punched me slapped me pushed me but I just laughed it off so she doesn't get mad. Then my crush came to school. Jeremy. He was so adorable. I really liked him. But I guess alyssa must've knew in her head like how I looked at him or something because she started this brand new insult. She started to call me an egghead. Then moises ( other guy in our group ) started calling me that. Then I guess jeremy thought it was cool now because he started calling me that to. They must have made him think that to be accepted in this school you had to make fun of others. Then they spread the worf. A lot of kids started making fun of me. But I never told. But I still laughed it off. Sometimes I my way home I would just cry and then this boy kemar from a different class just came up to me and called me a slow a$$ baby. That's when I just ran home. I was sick of this treatment. The next day I passed alyssa a note that said stop making fun of me or I am never gonna talk to you ever again. She wrote that's how kids these days work. Just deal with it. I didn't talk to her the rest of the day. Then the next day she passed me a note telling that she liked jeremy. I was so uh! So I went up to jeremy one day In private and asked him who did he like? He knew I never told other peoples secrets so he told me. He liked alyssa. He said the first day he saw her he liked her. That's when my heart shattered. Then one day I thought my crush is probably gonna fade away so I was gonna tell my friend cause it wouldn't last long and we told each other everything. So first I told julia. Then I told tammy. Then I told them I was gonna tell alyssa. They were like don't she can't keep a secret. I was like come on you are being to hard on her plus she trusts me and I trust her. Let me tell you readers something. That was a big mistake! So she told me 3 days later that she was talking about it with tammy and it accidentally slipped out. And jeremy was right in front of them. And manny was behind them. Manny is the big miuth in my class so he told everyone. I told alyssa I hated her. Then a bunch a kids kept coming to me saying do u like jeremy or is it true or teasing me about. I wanted a monster to eat me. Or better yet eat alyssa. But guess what. We became friends again. But she was always mean to me. This writing exercise we had to write about out super hero side. Alyssa wrote zoe(me) is my evil rival. I wrote kemar was mine because he was. I could've wrote alyssa but I didn't. Then one day I got mad at alyssa tammy julia and this new girl mia so I called them all fake. Then they started making fun of me and calling me names. Then tammy and julia knew about the egg head thing so they both said at the same time crack crack crack and yolk falls out abd then told the teacher about me calling them fake. So I told about the thing that they said and they lied saying that they were talking about a pie recipe. And I told about alyssa inventing the egg head thing and then she lied saying that jeremy and moises invented that. What liars!!! But guess what. We became friends again. Then mia was being a dirt bag so I called her a dirty pig. Then she kept calling me a bit*# and saying that I was ugly. Then she tried to punch me outside but I dodged. Then mia,khalil, moises,alyssa,tammy, and julia all started following me. Then in this friendship book she took out my piece of paper and read saying this boy ivan was my best friend. Then julia ran to tell britney his girlfriend. Good thing that when they told her she didn't give a damn. She was like so what. I have a guy best friend and I don't see you guys running to tell ivan. Then my teacher came and I told everything and mia nothing to say because I didn't do anything wrong ( plus she forgot that I insulted her he he ). Then it was resolved. But back to jeremy. After classes changed seats jeremy sat in front of me britney next to me and ivan across from britney. But me and jeremy we always teased each other and play fought and we shared a lot of common interests. Sometimes we fought for real but other wises it was a joke. And ivan always said we were the perfect couple but that was kinda awkward cuz we both were there. But even though he dumped alyssa she was always jealous when she saw us together laughing. She would make signs behind my back. Mouth mean words and I always turned around and caught her. But ivan kept saying we were the perfect couple and he and britney tried to leave us alone together. Like they both went to the sharpener for a long time, to the bathroom,etc. But I knew that he liked this girl from another class named tiana and I was started to like this bot damian but I still liked jeremy so much. I never had a relationship with anyone in the class because I thought if I did jeremy might come and like me and I would have to break a heart. Well schools over and I am going to move from paterson to fair lawn and I am going to a new school. I still like jeremy and damian but I love jeremy a lot more. But u just wanna say that if you like a boy and people say u to should be a couple ask a friend if you are to shy to or just go for it. And if you deal with an alyssa in your
school either tell or knock her ass out. And remember she probably will have followers so you will have to deal with them one bye one. Wish me luck and I will to happy august!
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Post a Comment07 Nov, 2011 02:17 PM
if this is true i think you should most definitely see a physciatrist, you have 8 out of 10 signs of paranoia.
09 Nov, 2011 01:45 PM
damn this story is long
10 Nov, 2011 07:43 AM
This was so stupid. You have serious issues. You're in highschool, but you sound like you're eight years old. I can't believe I wasted my time reading this.
10 Nov, 2011 07:41 PM
very elementary. -_-
18 Nov, 2011 04:20 PM
i think this was so childish
25 Nov, 2011 10:13 AM
Ha ha ha no idea lol
28 Nov, 2011 02:02 PM
guys shut up well most of you shut up okay she never said it was high school and so what if she in elementary its not her fault she is younger then you old butts ( don't cuss ) and if you have anything bad to say about this story than don't bother saying it at all haven't you guys learned that yet? Btw i would have smack Alyssa in the face super hard she sounds like a jerk face oh and you shouldn't have ever become friends again if they treated you badly ~good luck~
05 Dec, 2011 12:20 AM
This story is kinda long. And well, i only read till half way then stopped. I pity you for getting bullied. But your story is very confusing. @.@ there are so many names and my head is all messed up. Why can't you just write ' A bunch of stupid kids at school bullied me and called me names' there. It will be short and simple. And then, we wont need to waste so much time reading this. Well, thats just my advice.
05 Dec, 2011 12:23 AM
Geez, why won't you skip to the main point of the story. Can't you just skip this whole bullying thing? This is a website for heart broken people, not for bullied people -.-
04 Jan, 2012 10:21 AM
You need new friends, you need to let these so called friends go. And remember you go to school to learn not to find a boyfriend. Good luck!
17 Jul, 2012 09:42 PM
shes a brat...