Showing sad quotes for tag "Broken"

I’m standing on the edge, ready to jump to my death. You use to pull me back, but not anymore. I’m falling harder and faster, my time is running out… those simple words “I Love You” meant nothing in the end.
- "I Love You"
Submitted By: kelsey
Tags: Love, Broken, Sad
You told me to wait. Then, why did you marry her?
You said you don't want to see me cry, so, does it mean you're closing your eyes?
You can't wait for something that will never happen.
You put a hole in my heart... now I'll put a hole in my head...
Tags: Broken, Heart, Suicide
you left me in the darkness,yo left me all alone, why did you, you said you were alright, you said you wouldn't leave, but that fateful night you did. why because you left with out a whisper, you left without a word. not even saying anything to the world. good bye dear heart because here comes the darkness.
- Timothy
People do not die from suicide; they die from sadness.....
- Anonymous
Submitted By: ShatteredHumanity
Tags: Sadness, Broken, Alone
You still get your hopes us, even though you know it probably won't come true...
And at the end of the day we are all just humans, drunk on the idea that, love and only love can heal our brokenness.
- Unknown
Submitted By: Sarah
Tags: Love, Broken
Fake smiles, Broken heart, And you don't realise I'm falling apart