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Death Of My Rose

MaskOfHappinessSoulOf Despair

21 Jun, 2011 09:20 PM

Rosalina was 13 years old when her father was shot in a drive by. She ran to my house at midnight when her mother passed out from being drunk. I still don't know how she ran a mile and a half blinded by tears. She pretty much threw herself at my door. When I opened my door she landed in my arms still sobbing heavily against my chest. I picked up the light little girl and cradled her in my arms and sat down on my couch. She spent a good half hour before she told me what happened. The poor girl's voice was shaky and very quiet that If you took a breath you could have missed something. "Daddy and I went to the bronx and suddenly a guy in a 09 mercedes benz shot my dad and left. I got out of the car and ran home and I was going to tell mom what happened but she was drunk and didn't believe me. I decided to wait till she passed out and I would go to you. Finally at 11:30 she was passed out by the couch surrounded by empty bottles of liquor" I could feel myself holding back tears. " oh sweetheart you really don't deserve this ,and you poor lil one has seen more pain than I have and I'm two years older than you . Don't worry You will always have me to take car of you and talk to. I promise" I kissed her head."Alright lil one we can talk about it more tomorrow." She responded with only a content yawn and fell asleep in my arms.That was the start other life going down hill. She turned emo and started to cut herself. She would cut so deep she would blackout.She had scars every where . I told her she had to stop cutting she said she will continue cutting so I told her if she didn't I would not be associated with her. So she said fine I don't care I'll just cut the pain away and she doesn't need me. I went home afterwards. Little did I know she went to her father's grave and she slit her throat. The owner of the cemetery called me about it. A year later I visited her and put roses on her grave and mourning the death of my Rose
Just so you know this story is fiction

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ray says:
24 Jul, 2011 08:48 PM

toinkz...emo....don't like...

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Alex says:
09 Aug, 2011 06:52 PM

I loved it, even if it is fictional you really seemed to hit the emotions on the chracters perfectly :)

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smoke says:
01 Feb, 2012 06:41 PM

Dumbest bs story i've ever read. What a moron.

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Spongebob says:
13 Jul, 2012 09:50 AM

tf...i thought this was real lol great story tho but it was sad

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Rajarshi says:
15 Jul, 2012 10:39 AM

not dat gud but ok..!!

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kush says:
09 Oct, 2012 06:05 PM

Good yet not funny i feel suicidal all the time wat the fuck iz this to u somthing u cn sit bck n laugh at bc ppl thinks its real n so they feel funny ...WTF?!?!?! Get a fucking life bitch!

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arianne khaye says:
10 Oct, 2012 06:50 AM

nobody said its funny kush.. dont utter foul language.! who do u think you are?

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