
MaskOfHappinessSoulOf Despair

21 Jun, 2011 07:13 PM
Goodbye my love why did god take you away?
Why my love did you have to take your life
Why didn't I try to contact you sooner
Why couldn't it be my arms wrapped around your neck
and not a nose
Why wasn't I not there to comfort you
I need to feel your touch
 I need to taste your sweet lips
instead of bitter salty tears 
I need to hear you say you love me
When your mother told me  you died that terrible night I was devastated
I miss you baby 
you haunt me till this day
Why couldn't it be me and not you
You were doing better anyway
If I could die and it would bring you back i would do it happily
but I can't so I am saying my goodbyes
Goodbye hour long phone calls
Goodbye carelessly sweet kisses
Goodbye my other half
Goodbye.......I can't do this
I can't live without him!
I'm coming my love
to everybody else..........
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Theresa mulauzi says:
11 Jul, 2011 01:44 PM

Ive just recently lost my friend.i loved her n we did spiritual dance together.i never thought she could die so young,so soon.this poem just touched my heart

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MaskOfHappinessSoulOf Despair says:
11 Jul, 2011 09:56 PM

thank you I'm happy it did

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