Showing sad stories for tag "sadness "

Little Brother

Ai Shinamori

31 Dec, 2014 02:16 AM

My dearest little brother. How I loved you so. Those times we spent together causing mischief, playing games, laughing...I cherish them. Why did it have to happen? That one fateful day. We had a fight. Even now, I can still remember it. I had become very busy and couldn't hang out with you like I used to. I was worried about school work too much to pay any attention to you. Mom had just gotten a new job so we were home alone most of the time. I remember sometimes looking out my window to get a view of the front lawn,and there you'd be. Sitting alone in the grass. Waiting for mom and dad to come home from work. It made me sad, seeing you alone all the time. But I had work to do, so I didn't do anything about it. That day, I had just gotten home... [Read More]

Tags: Family, Death, Sadness, Loneliness, Pain, Love, Brother
Votes: 40

He Promised Forever


22 May, 2013 02:43 AM

Hi, my name is Cecilia, and like any average 17 year old girl, I longed for a prince charming to come and sweep me up my feet and have a happy ending. Ever since I was little, fairytale stories has always been a big part of my life; it gave me hope that one day, I'll be like one of those princesses, but as I grew older, I realized that fairy tales are never going to happen to me because I'm 16 and I still haven't seen my prince charming yet (yes, this is very silly of me, I know). Then, it all began during the summer, because I am anti-social out in the real world, I couldn't possibly find my prince charming out there. I was too afraid to show my true self to society, afraid that people will make fun of me, so I decided to forget about... [Read More]

Tags: Broken Heart, Broken Promises, Lies, Betrayal, Breakup, Sad, Hurt, Heartbroken, Sadness
Votes: 35

Middle school sucks


11 Dec, 2016 05:42 AM

So i guess I'll start this off by saying I've never really liked myself. My while life I've put myself down and called myself names. I felt worthless. I think i was born with depression, or maybe it just developed at an early age. I started selfharming at the age of five. I felt really angry and sad all the time and selfharming destracted me from those feeling and even helped me feel better. Im not saying to selfharm, its a awful thing and i hope i never get caught up in it again. Theres a couple reasons as to why i was depressed. For one, i felt like my dad was dissapointed because he wanted a son. He would always say things like "its ok for you to be soft because your a girl". Hes really sexist and i felt like he didnt expect anything out of me or... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Suicide, Middleschool
Votes: 31



28 Oct, 2016 05:17 AM

This is well... a story of myself i usually do myself as a dragon cause thats how i escape... i mix my fantasy into my real life... but this time... im not going to... Most of this started back when i was admitted at the hospital, recently diagnosed with extreme depression and severe social anxiety. May 20, 2016 i was brought into emergency for self harm. After a few hours of waiting the doctor took us to the psych ward... or "psych emerg" security guards nearby as well, they were friendly yes very friendly. Another few hours pass and its clear im going to be staying here so im all excited thinking that its all going to be a joy ride. I have my phone so what could go wrong, the only one who kept me sane in that small room was my boyfriend we dont live in the same... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Suicide, Suffering, Sadness, Crying, Self Harm, Breakup, True Story, True Love
Votes: 31

She's Broken .


02 May, 2013 10:28 AM

She's an innocent little girl named Natasha who grew up with no one and nothing. Her mother didn't have time for her or her sisters. Her mother had time for drugs and sex. She was 4 and she was confused. She asked God everyday why her mommy didn't love her. Natasha asks her mommy why she doesn't love her and her mother says "Because you're worthless! You're ugly and disgusting and you're not my kid!" Natasha just cries, she doesn't understand why her mother says the things that she says. She's cold, hungry and scared. Her mother never feeds her or her sisters. Instead her mother sits there and eats in front of them, making her and her sisters smell the food but if they try to eat it, they know they'll get beat,so they go to bed starving. Natasha stinks and is extremely dirty. Her mom didn't pay any... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Sadness, Broken, Sad Story, Pain, Painful, Hurt, Help, Hopeless, Alone, Crying, Confused, Cutting, Giving Up
Votes: 29

Two years of lies


22 Dec, 2012 05:50 AM

It seems as if everybody is always happy around you, but you're the only person who seems to be depressed. I was the type of girl who didn't need anybody to reply on too. I didn't need anybody to make me happy. I didn't mind staying home by myself. As I became older and watched movies it seem to be that relationships were the key to happiness. All I wanted to do was feel loved. It seemed like all my friends were in love and happy. I understand that we're still young and have our whole life ahead of us, but when someone makes you feel wanted, it's one of the best feelings. I met a guy on MySpace, and corny as it sounds that was the thing back then. He said he saw me at school and I caught his eye. He's was a year older then me, and... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sadness, True Story, Cheater, Breakup, Sad, Hurt, Depressed, Betrayed, Unloved, Pain
Votes: 28

One-Sided Love

Caleb Jackson

21 May, 2018 07:06 PM

It started over the summer of 2017, A boy met this girl at a party a friend of his mother was hosting. She was cute and she was very quite, she eventually started talking to him after he was playing around with the small children. He found out her name and age, turned out she was a few years younger than him. That night when he was in the car driving home, he thought about her through out that car ride and the rest of the night. A few days, her mother came over to ask him and his sister to come to their house and play with the girl and her little sister. This happened throughout the summer, eventually school started again and he was starting his junior year in high school. One morning he was working on a project and saw her class go by his classroom, that... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Love, Sadness, True Story
Votes: 27

Losing my best friend to love

Shae Fitzpatrick

12 May, 2018 03:40 AM

This story is 100% true, please read to the end to understand. I remember it like it was yesterday. I met the only person i would ever consider a true friend. We are both in the cadets at the same squadron and at the beginning of the training year, we had an FTX. FTX is like a squadron wide survival activity. The squadron made a mistake and placed me in the wrong flight. A flight is a group of cadets, usually about 20 or so. Anyways, we divided into our flights to go build our camp for the night. As a senior cadet I was too busy managing all the younger cadets to notice her at first. But as things started to calm down, and bedtime was approaching, I noticed her. The most beautiful girl in the entire squadron. Me being my normal awkward self was all awkward talking to... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Love, Love Hurts, Love Story, Friendship, Broken Heart, Regret, Broken Friendship, True Story, Tr
Votes: 27

Story of Loneliness


16 Apr, 2016 01:33 PM

I think the closest I ever came to loving a girl was a young girl, whose nickname was ‘kirby.’ She was 18, at the time, and so was I. She lived in the Philippines, and I, in Massachusetts. She had plans to come study at Harvard the following year, because she had been accepted with a promising scholarship. That means she would have been a 40 minute drive from my house, rather than across the world! How exciting! I had met her through an online internet forum. Now, Kirby, was perfect for me. She was nurturing, small, and ever-so-loving. When I would talk about how much I hated myself, or how worthless I was, she would give me a list of reasons why I’m not. She would sing me to sleep, and be there for me when I woke up. She knew how to turn me on like no girl... [Read More]

Tags: Loneliness, Sadness, Lost Love, Heartbreak, Heartbroken
Votes: 26

A Drop In The Ocean


04 Aug, 2012 09:17 AM

Its been a month, a week, and 3 days since we last spoke. I'm trying not to care anymore even though I think about you 24/7 to this day. I'm proud of how strong I have been with dropping you out of my life but its funny how I still remember the first time we met. what you were wearing, how you were looking at me,and what you were doing. You seemed harmless. I thought I'd be the harmful one.. yeah shit was rocky but I knew no matter what, you would always stick by my side like my ride or die. I thought we would always work out our differences. I never knew what love was till I fell for you. But I also didn't know that that would be the worst mistake in my life so far that I would ever make. It'll be a year that we've... [Read More]

Tags: Heart, Love, Cheated, Sad, Hurt, Pain, Heartbroken, Sadness, Unloved
Votes: 26