Showing sad stories for tag "breakup"

Two years of lies


22 Dec, 2012 05:50 AM

It seems as if everybody is always happy around you, but you're the only person who seems to be depressed. I was the type of girl who didn't need anybody to reply on too. I didn't need anybody to make me happy. I didn't mind staying home by myself. As I became older and watched movies it seem to be that relationships were the key to happiness. All I wanted to do was feel loved. It seemed like all my friends were in love and happy. I understand that we're still young and have our whole life ahead of us, but when someone makes you feel wanted, it's one of the best feelings. I met a guy on MySpace, and corny as it sounds that was the thing back then. He said he saw me at school and I caught his eye. He's was a year older then me, and... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sadness, True Story, Cheater, Breakup, Sad, Hurt, Depressed, Betrayed, Unloved, Pain
Votes: 28

My Feet Drag On…


27 Jun, 2013 09:44 PM

It was January 5th, 2013 the day that changed my life. New Years was over and it was the first weekend after returning to school. I had been talking to this girl for a few months, and it was never flirtatious, just great friends. It was in school that we got the idea of watching Monsters Inc., or at least we were joking around about it cause it was such a great movie. (We both like animated films, she loves them though) But that Saturday I remember being on the bus and not having anything to do till 6:00 p.m. where I had to go house sit, and her name came across my phone. So I called her up and made the plans, we were going to go catch the afternoon show and it turned out to be one of the best days of my life. I remember walking past... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Confused, Heartbreak, True Story, Forever, Breakup, Memories, Missing, Sad
Votes: 36

Love lingers Two years later


03 Mar, 2013 11:37 AM

It was a cold rainy night.. I met up with him the day after our huge argument. I parked outside his house as I usually did every night and as I opened my door he was already standing outside waiting for me. as soon as i opened the door he grabbed my hand and led me inside his room. We locked eyes and we both knew what was going to happen that very moment. He began to explain how disappointed he was in me and he's had enough. i was wrong, I knew I was. I pathetically began to weep and beg for forgiveness. He held my hand and told me it was best we were friends and as he's eyes got watery... He walked to the opposite side of the room and had his head in his hands and said, "I care about you so much.. Why is this... [Read More]

Tags: Sad Love, Sadness, Depressing, Love Story, Love Hurts, Life, Lies, Hope, Lonely, Sad, Breakup, Memories
Votes: 7

Forbidden Love


18 Nov, 2012 05:53 AM

It's a really sad story. Not really anyone knows the ENTIRE truth. Not even my parents. First, I'll set down the facts: We're six years apart, but our mindsets are the same level. He's older, but that doesn't really matter I guess. I've always thought he was beautiful. He's known me my entire life, and I've known him my entire life. He was the ring bearer at my parents' wedding. All the adults love him, he's smart, polite, beautiful (I think I already mentioned that), and talented in gymnastics, academics, and sports. Practically perfect. I think I'll call it the "incident." The "incident" happened about a year and 3 months ago. We were at my grandma's house, just chilling, and my little brother was playing video games in the dining room downstairs. My grandma was out at the grocery store, so we were supposed to watch my brother. We were... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Love, True Story, Breakup, Love, Sadness, Boyfriend, Distance, Truth, Story, Lie
Votes: 14

He Promised Forever


22 May, 2013 02:43 AM

Hi, my name is Cecilia, and like any average 17 year old girl, I longed for a prince charming to come and sweep me up my feet and have a happy ending. Ever since I was little, fairytale stories has always been a big part of my life; it gave me hope that one day, I'll be like one of those princesses, but as I grew older, I realized that fairy tales are never going to happen to me because I'm 16 and I still haven't seen my prince charming yet (yes, this is very silly of me, I know). Then, it all began during the summer, because I am anti-social out in the real world, I couldn't possibly find my prince charming out there. I was too afraid to show my true self to society, afraid that people will make fun of me, so I decided to forget about... [Read More]

Tags: Broken Heart, Broken Promises, Lies, Betrayal, Breakup, Sad, Hurt, Heartbroken, Sadness
Votes: 35

The Undying Love

Julia Sullivan

22 Jun, 2013 08:49 PM

I'm currently 18 and this story started way back when I was 13. I had a 3 year major crush on this cute guy. After waiting and having kept the developing feeling, I was soooo happy to finally know from a friend that he actually fell for me. LIKE FINALLY. Well, you know that happiness. Well, after getting more about each other for several months when we started to get closer, he finally decided to ask me to be his girlfriend, which was what made me felt so good about it. It was worth the wait. We dated for like 7 months, we went out a lot, explore places, go for hiking, out for dinner at good dining places, and writing lengthy love letters to each other even though we usually meet during school. I would always remember how he loved to kiss my forehead, waved and blow a kiss... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Sad, Heartbreak, Sorrow, Betrayal, Unloved, Breakup, Sadness
Votes: 17



28 Oct, 2016 05:17 AM

This is well... a story of myself i usually do myself as a dragon cause thats how i escape... i mix my fantasy into my real life... but this time... im not going to... Most of this started back when i was admitted at the hospital, recently diagnosed with extreme depression and severe social anxiety. May 20, 2016 i was brought into emergency for self harm. After a few hours of waiting the doctor took us to the psych ward... or "psych emerg" security guards nearby as well, they were friendly yes very friendly. Another few hours pass and its clear im going to be staying here so im all excited thinking that its all going to be a joy ride. I have my phone so what could go wrong, the only one who kept me sane in that small room was my boyfriend we dont live in the same... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Suicide, Suffering, Sadness, Crying, Self Harm, Breakup, True Story, True Love
Votes: 31

My Ups and Downs story

Tommy Mai

10 Aug, 2014 11:01 PM

Hi well there are always ups and downs in life. Im just going to write about my biggest down and up in my entire life. If i say that i remember when was the first time we kissed its true. If i say that i remember the first time i said i loved you its a lie . If i say that you gave me light in this dark passage called life its true. I have always had a very easy going life, never really felt alone , have always had friends and family around me. The first time when i actually got to really know girls and want to get closer to them was summer when i started in high school. You know what happends ? Theres actually a girl that likes me just when i know that there are really good to have a girl in your life.... [Read More]

Tags: Alone, Love, Sad, Waiting, Hurt, High School, Breakup, Cheated, Heartbroken, Heartbreak
Votes: -19

He Called Me His


02 Jun, 2010 09:53 AM

I was his and he was mine. In my mind, we were the perfect couple and i thought he felt the same way. He told me the sweetest things. He said I was the best thing that ever happened to him, he couldn't imagine life without me. He told me he doesn't know what he did to deserve someone like me. Life was great. We were inseparable...or so i thought. Months passed, and we grew more and more apart. He became distant, started flirting with other girls. Worst of all he started flirting with my best friend and to my misdemeanor she flirted right back. I read the texts, i saw them together. I saw how they looked at each other as if they had some dirty little secret. It broke my heart, tore me to shreds, and left me remains to decompose. In my mind, I believed I couldn't... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbreak, Sadness, Love, Breakup, Betrayal, Lonely, Angry, Rage, Tears, Move On
Votes: 9



17 Jul, 2011 07:46 PM

Tell my why do things have to change when they were perfect from the start...? Why do we have to lose everything that we have always been holding onto, after everything that we've been through together..? I kept thinking that this loneliness, this sadness, this.. emptiness would be gone if I kept you by my side. But now, I realize that even though something is near you.. they feel.. distant. Was it because I was forcing them to continue staying by my side? Was it because.. because you don't feel the way I wanted you too. Was it because.. was it because I was too selfish to realize what you truly felt? Was it because.. I was always focusing on my feelings, that I didn't even have the time to consider what YOU felt? Or was it because.. you saw right through me..? I thought that this love was our... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Breakup, Heartbreak
Votes: 68