6 years of love breaks up
Jack spicer
21 Dec, 2009 01:34 PMWe been 2gether from last six year it was way back in 19th jan, 2003.where I proposed her and then at evening I got replay for the same. I used 2watch at her every time, but I was not so good-looking that's why I was bit surprise for what she said, since then we being 2gether,she visited my home when we were in 13th she meet my family as she is the daughter in law of family. We were happy 2gether I used 2 meet her every day, or we r on phone 24/7 she was working in motor company in insurance dept, we done all thing which husband n wife do in their life, I even visited her native place with her, but on 2day before her birthday she visited a picnic with an office staff of other dept of which I come 2know the next day from another staff who have not visited so I scolded her for that but since then she didn't even talk to me on birthday she come with me at my friends home where we celebrate but she was changed from that picnic, actually their was 1boy from other dept who used2 like her, were in that picnic. and that boy proposed her on that day which I com 2 know later, that boy drop her at her home at 2am morning. She was chatting with that boy for an hour I found her phone busy I asked her every time she said form native place or some female friends, her attitude 2wards me changes she stop calling me or msg me. I was confused about what happen. 1s I just checked whether it was that boy whom she was talking but she refused. I found many clue for that which I showed 2 her family. they allow me to drop her at home. but on 1st day her behavior was bit different because of her family she was with me but later after 1day she refuse to talk...and she left me alone that day and started having affair wt that boy 1day I read her sms I found msg of I love u n all that, for that I slap her n she made a police complaint against me. since then I msg her everyday to come back but she won't. I left my studies n all in her worries; she didn't even wish me on my birthday. I cry like a mad. from that day, 2months has past but I'm still the same n she is busy with that boy.im still waiting for her to come to me
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Post a Comment14 Jan, 2010 04:52 PM
hi, iam sorry i want to tell u that she doesn't deseve u man go on with ur life don't wiat for her believe me man she does not deserve u, after 6 years my my
17 Jan, 2010 10:55 PM
dude i would just say please move on and she is not worth being with u
10 Feb, 2010 03:42 AM
im sorry to say it u re stupid to wait for a girl who doesn't diserve ur love, i really dont know what the hell are u waitting for? u should move on u will find something better cuz u are the best
20 Oct, 2010 02:27 PM
Boss i agree with aryan, she doesnt deserve u, nd how can u trust her anymore? jst move on and u'll find ur true love....best wishes.....
27 Jan, 2012 06:52 AM
i know its hard to forget someone you love and that dated for 6 years but just keep on going i know there will be soone better that may come in your life soon or later she doesnt deserves you
21 Jun, 2014 07:34 AM
sad yar its like my life......
09 Jul, 2014 04:17 AM
ow. that's painful, anyhow, they're right.. you deserve more than anything else, i tell you that for 6 years , you love her consistently.. yet she showed her true personality to you. But please sir, i know that it would be hard for you to forget that girl easily.. After all the betrayal, Just forgive her and forget her;-) GOD WILL DO THE REST..
04 Mar, 2015 11:40 AM
Please don't Wait for her.. If she realy loves you then she does not left you alone..