A Father
01 Sep, 2010 02:10 AM
A Father?s Message to DANILOVE
On this day exactly two years ago, our angel Danielle Francesca came to this earth. For 34 days she brought nothing but joy to all of us. I have never seen any human being stronger than our dear baby. She taught me a lot of things.
She taught me how to listen. She never spoke a word but yet I heard every thing she said.
She taught me the virtue of Humility. To accept things as it is and never question God?s will.
She taught me to count my blessings. To live and accept that life is not perfect and that we should be happy with what we have. As we go on you?ll see why.
She taught me to live for others. During the 34 days of her confinement at the NICU, I witnessed babies come and go. I saw the pain from all the parents every time their babies would be critical or would have to be revived. We were a family in there. We prayed together. Shared little miracles of hope together. Cried together. I actually became a Godfather of another angel. He passed away after his baptism. I can truly say it felt good sharing each other?s griefs. You cannot live alone. Live for others. My heart goes out to all the parents fighting for their child?s life. No parent deserves to see their children in pain. No parent deserves to bury their own child. My God give them strength.
She taught me to be strong. I remember she was in deep pain most of the time but she never complained but rather, she fought for her life because daddy, mommy and all of you were praying for her recovery. She fought to live another day. There were even moments when she would show off and kick and stretch her legs every time the doctor doubted her health. Good job baby.
She taught me that life is short. For about 816 hours I learned that. Every second indeed counts. I would do anything for her to stay an extra minute. Don?t hesitate.Cmon!!! Live your lives as if it were the last day.
She taught me the value of prayer. In times of despair, it was only through prayer that I found strength. I felt GOD speaking to me in every prayer I recited.
She taught me the importance of family. Through the 34 agonizing days at the hospital, the whole family was united in prayer asking God to be with Dani throughout the whole ordeal.Im sure she felt your love.
She taught me never to underestimate one?s self. I never thought all of us would have endured all the pain, heartaches and trauma but rather, we have all survived and became better and stronger people after her passing.
She taught me to be a father. This is something that I will forever be proud of. It is an honor to be called the father of a saint.
Lastly, she taught me to let go of her for she was never mine nor her mom?s. Dani was not meant for this earth. She belongs to a better place where there is no more pain and suffering.Dani was meant to be an angel ?
I ask all of you to celebrate the life she had lived and learn from all the lessons she had taught us.
Thank you Dani, Happy Birthday! Daddy loves you so much. I?ll see you soon my dear angel.
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Post a Comment06 Sep, 2010 10:12 PM
I am so sad for your loss. I had miscarriage, last year. I know, how much agony i suffered that nobody understand , what i went through. I can understand you more and relate to your pain. Jesus Christ, give us strenth to face this.
As you said, your daughter surely will be in better place than this earth.
take care, you are not alone, here.