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The Little Boy, Little Girl, and The Man

Sydney Chalmers

04 May, 2013 12:30 PM

Once, there was a little girl and a little boy. They met in kindergarten. They grew up together. He would push her on the swings. They would sit at lunch together. They would play basket ball together they were what everyone called "perfect" they thought they had it all. Then the boy realized when he saw she had bruises, she was in so much pain. He would always ask where they came from and she could only say "If I tell you my daddy said something very bad will happen to me" so the little boy told her "I will protect you" so she told him "My daddy hits me because I'm not good enough" and the little boy cried while the little girl told him not to shaking his arm.

The teacher came over and so he wouldn't get in trouble she told the teacher. The little girl got taken away by the police and sent away and he didn't hear from her for a year, he loved her so much. He couldn't live without her. Every night she would think about him. Another year passed and all she would do at night was cry and he would just sit there in pain he felt like something was missing.

One day the little girl saw the little boy, he ran up to her and tackled her with hugs. They were happy. When the little girl had to leave he whispered in her hear "I love you" she said it back and as she left something broke inside him. Something went wrong he turned into the man. One more year of no talking. She found him, she talked to him, she thought about the little boy and how much she loved him. The little boy said he loved her. They became a couple. They were already in love. She fell in love but there was no more little boy in him. Just a man who killed the little girl. She had only pieces of what now she called her heart.

She was already beaten at home, her mother took drugs. She had no more reasons to live. She cries herself to sleep, shes broken. You ask whats the sad part? It's that the little girl is me and the little boy was my world, my love. What is now memories, the man is the one who made her nightmares come true and kidnapped the little girl.

Tags: Love, Hurt, Memories, Sad
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Empty void says:
07 May, 2013 11:05 PM

Please don't give in there is always reasons to keep on living my family is a little like that but you got the harsh end you are not alone.

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Danyl says:
20 Nov, 2013 06:46 PM

This is so sad. :(

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