Showing sad stories for tag "parents"

No Mama, we can't leave!


05 Nov, 2014 04:42 AM

So it was really gone then. I thought that we could still stay. I really wanted to stay. Mama and Daddy really wanted to stay. Even Charles, who absolutely hated this place, wanted to stay. I guess anybody would stay here in Oklahoma rather than somewhere else, where they would have to start with a new life, new farm, new everything. But we can’t stay now. We wouldn't have anywhere to live. Because our home was gone. The big, mean people crushed it into little pieces. Although I’m hoping that a miracle will happen in the next few seconds bringing our home back. I really, really hoped, but deep down I knew that the miracle was only in my dreams. I guess that we could live at Aunt Heather’s house, but they will do the same to her house soon, if they haven’t already. It’s the same case for everybody... [Read More]

Tags: Drought, Young, Dust Bowl, Childish, Sad, Depression Era, Depression, Tragedy, Innocent, Parents, Family
Votes: 7

All I have known


27 Aug, 2010 04:23 AM

I am a 13 years old young boy, from Iligan city, Philippines, here is some story about me from the past... When I was still in grade 3, I have been started to be matured, so slightly, I already know what is good and what is bad. Everything was good when I was in grade 3.My grandmother is a government worker in the city, but in our place, it takes 1 hour travel before we can go to the city. And in our place, there was a bar, and we passed the bar before we can proceed to our house. One time my grandmother go home from work, then she saw my father in the bar with 2 girls. But my grandmother didn't told us on that time. Then few months past, my grandmother saw again my father for the 2nd time, but my grandmother is still giving him one... [Read More]

Tags: Cheat, Love, Parents, Death
Votes: 2