Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

The Day She Died


06 Aug, 2011 12:04 AM

IF YOU READ THE ENTIRE THING, I WILL GREATLY APPRECIATE IT! :) I would just like to first off say that this story is about me losing my step mom in April 2011 when I was and am currently 18 years old. Her name was Lisa and she was only 35. I had known her since I was 9 years old, which at this point is half of my life. I wanna say that she was so young and healthy, she was a typical girly girl who enjoyed reading gossip magazines, watching reality shows and sipping on fruity drinks. She was so hilarious and sarcastic and put a smile on my face every day. Whenever I was upset, she always knew what to say and how to handle the situation. I will miss her greatly. There's always that one thing you never hope to hear. I sure as hell thought... [Read More]

Tags: Loss, Death, Sad, Step Mom, Celebration, Life
Votes: 75

Best Friends Forever

Life Pops

31 Jul, 2011 05:20 AM

My story is base from my own experience and is a true to life. It all started when I was on 6th grade. I was the Table Tennis captain and was considered the best athlete in school. At the Intramural Sports Fest, my cousin went to watch my game, and he introduced me to Maureen, his classmate. I knew her ever since we were young, but I never talked to her since we have different peers and that she's a year older than me. When the match was over and my opponent won, Maureen comforted me as my cousin laughed at me. She asked me if I would want to watch her game that will start in about ten minutes, and since I was lost and not in the mood to go somewhere alone, I said yes. The tennis court was filled with people, my cousin went to buy some... [Read More]

Tags: Best Friend, Frindship, Death, Love, Teen, Sad
Votes: 17

My other half is dead


15 Jul, 2011 09:34 PM

My story will begin with my pain in theses words and will end the same way. It shouldn't be hard to believe but I'll promise that it is true.. I live in a house with both parents. my parents are Muslim and they were raised that way. me & my twin brother, ahmed werent. the things they tried to keep us from only lead us closer to it. my brother was my life. he was my twin.. he would always say "it's you and me against the world." i loved him more than i loved my self or anyone else. but i was selfish. my brother wasn't a man.. he feared other men. i was the strong one.. i was the one that was always there to fight his fights. to hold him high and take his pain. It all started on a regular day. we were walking in our... [Read More]

Tags: Brother, Twin, Death, Dead, Sad
Votes: 16

Self Inflicted Wounds


14 Jul, 2011 09:22 PM

I could feel the prickly bark of the tree on my back as I sat there. I?d been there for what felt like hours, and maybe it had been, but I?d never know. I had a blanket draped over my lap, hiding it. I was up high, on a big hill that overlooked parts of the ocean. All around me was a path for runners and bikers, but no one had come around yet. The way the sun was perched in the sky, I guessed it was at least two in the afternoon. I?d gotten there and did it at around eight that morning. From below me, at the base of the hill, I could hear the laughs and choppy words of children. There was a playground at the bottom. I could imagine kids playing there, swinging on the monkey bars, slithering down slides, running in the lush grass like... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Love, Memories, Regret
Votes: 5

i like him a lot

ayla lavallee

07 Jul, 2011 05:26 AM

I'm sorry if its confusing but I wanted to tell it all. Ok so their was this girl (me) and I liked this guy named Jason and my friends thought he wasn't good looking and wasn't good enough for me but hey I didn't really care about looks, I go for personality but I really didn't know anything about him, I didn't even know his name, nor how old he was but he looked around 18 or 19 but I didn't care cause age is just a number but anyway I liked him for 4 years and a couple months, I always seen him around but I never had the courage to go up and talk to him ... So one day me and my friends were in a little group and we seen him and he was also hanging with his friends in a group and I told my... [Read More]

Tags: Happy, Sad, Painful, Hurt
Votes: 4

Love Mistaken


02 Jun, 2011 01:34 PM

I and Jin are best friends. one day i found out that i loved him. one night when we here camping out with our friends i told him i loved him. we went out like any other couples would. walking on the beach,watching movies, eating together, etc... everyday jin would give me a teddy bear. i thought it was sweet at first but then i started to think what it was for. Then one day walking back from school i saw jin and another girl. I walked past them and i heard Jin say " I love you" to the girl. I ran home crying and i was so mad! that night he came to my house giving me a teddy bear. i asked him why he never told me he loved me. he said nothing. he left and i threw the bear against the cupboard so enraged. we met... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Mistaken, Heartbroken, Remorse
Votes: 16

He cheated...


28 May, 2011 04:00 PM

I used to be this girl who laughed and smiled all the time... but that changed when I met this boy at school... It was September of 2010 and I was upset about this boy named Enrique who broke my heart. So my friend decided to call her ex-boyfriend (Gio) and explain to him what happened. He told me that everything was going to be okay and that I'll move on. Later on at night when my friend was sleeping I called Gio and talked to him for 2-3 hours. He explained to me that he did want to be friends but wanted to take it more further... I told him I felt the same way. He asked me out at school and of course I said yes. Days passed by and he gave me my first kiss on October 12, 2010 a month before my birthday. 6 days later... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Betrayal, Tears, Missing
Votes: 10



17 Apr, 2011 01:37 PM

Life is a fragile thing. Love is one word in a vast sea of voice, and things that are spoken are not always the truth. Emotion seems to be the only thing real anymore. Please not that the story i am about to tell you is in all seriousness true. Every aspect that occurs in this story has happened to a young lady by the name of Willow Elizabeth Mitchell. Willow needs someone to hear her story. She has been hiding it from the world for so long that she could not take it anymore, and Lover Of Sadness is the perfect place for her to share it. Be warned, if you do not enjoy stories of lost love and accidents that bring even the strongest to their knees, stop reading right now. If you chose to continue, believe every word i say, for some of it is happening right... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Emotion, Depression, Emo, Pain, Heartbroken
Votes: 31

All I have left of you

randi lynn

03 Jan, 2011 06:33 PM

Memories fill my head as i look at a picture of us at the lake. Do you remember that day? The day you told me you loved me.. The day you said we'd b together forever. I should have known it was to good to be true.Cause no one is as good as you. You were perfect.The man every girl wanted. I remember the day you walked away like it just happened. You held my hand and walked to the lake. You said that you couldn't do this anymore.That it wasn't working. You look away and let go of my hand. I turn away from you.. In shock... You walk away..And don't look back. You didn't care if i was ok or not. Tears fill my eyes and my throat begins to burn. I cant seem to learn. I still miss you. The memories hurt. But I dont want to... [Read More]

Tags: Memories, Life, Love, Hurt, Sad
Votes: 3

Loving in the dark


23 Oct, 2010 10:43 AM

NOt good at writing stories (note: English is my second language) ok ,so here we go. im jane, im in love with a guy that's 56 yrs older then me. he is married and got 3 kids one of them my age. i met him at work and we fell in love since the first day we met. i feel sad because ive never being in love before until now and i know that this wont be forever, one day this will end and i will broken heart. (try not to judge really hard) we been having a 6 years relationship and nobody knows about this, i know all this is wrong but i will never tell anybody or his family or anything like that,but this is true love. the kind of love you see in the movies!! really! sometimes i feel that i know him from somewhere but i... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Depressed
Votes: 0