Showing sad stories for tag "love loss"

Missed opportunity

Jacob R

23 Dec, 2014 09:41 AM

Today is December 23rd 2014, and I have finally broken. November 15th 2014, Science day at a local university. I arrived on my own gathered my things, got my schedule and sat down in the assembly hall, not thinking that today would be the day I met the girl who would haunt my thoughts for the rest of my miserable, lonely life. Opening excersizes were quick, they explained their color coordination system well and I understood where I was supposed to go, I had three classses that day. Each with a different color, you followed the trail with that same color of your class. My first class was a Human Anatomy class, labeled red. So I followed the red path leading to the red building and entered into the class... only it was the wrong class... I didnt realize that the color was actually pink, and in my defense... I... [Read More]

Tags: Regret, Love Loss, Missed Opportunity
Votes: 13