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(STORY) - A Letter To My Best Friend


08 Sep, 2011 02:12 PM

Dear Best Friend.

It's been many years since we have last spoken. I miss your smile, I miss your voice, I miss the expressions on your beautiful face.

I remember our last conversation as if it was yesterday but I am just being skeptical because if we did speak yesterday I wouldn't be crying all night before I sleep or when I eat. I would be laughing and smiling like all those days where you and I spent every moment together.

If you are out there somewhere in the world. Please I hope you find my note in time. Come to my aid. I am lost and hopeless without you.

I remember those moments where you would always take my side whether I was wrong or not, you were the truest person I ever met. We had our worst moments as well but you were always the better person and stopped me before either of us said something that would break the bond we have.

I feel like what I write is just in a diary - a secret that you would never know about.

It's been 7 years since we last spoke. Time went by so fast.

I am getting married and I want you here. I wrote many times hoping you would one day answer. You promised when we last spoke but that was 7 years ago. I just wanted you to know that I can no longer post pone my wedding. My love says that there will be no more waiting for someone who is not going to show up - I cried and finally believed that you would no longer show.

My love tells me that you will always love me. That one day when we finally meet again, we will talk, laugh and smile as if it hasn't been 7 or X years.

As I finish up this letter, it's beginning to be hard to read as my tears slowly wet the paper and smear the ink.

I will love you my best friend no matter where you are.

Your Best friend.

P.S. I miss you. I wish you could be here.

Tags: Friend, Love, Missing
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Dominic T. Garcia says:
19 Dec, 2011 12:25 AM

3': that is soooo sad 3':

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allie stahulak says:
19 Dec, 2011 01:28 PM

i didnt get it but it sounded kinda sad but why can she forget about her friend?

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Richard says:
21 Dec, 2011 08:28 AM

@Allie Stahulak:

In this letter, the person writes to their best friend (who they have not seen in 7 years---sudden disappearance). This person is getting married and wants their best friend to be there because they made a promise that they will be at each others' wedding when they do wed.

When this person has their wedding and their best friend did not show up (even after writing so many letters to their best friend), this person's loved one tells them to not worry and that one day when the person's best friend does come, they will talk and laugh as if it hasn't been 7 years!

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Richard says:
21 Dec, 2011 08:30 AM

To get the whole story (my bad), here is part two---the best friend's letter:

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Momo says:
23 Dec, 2011 12:22 AM

Mmm sad story , but u r getting married !!!!

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vikas says:
26 Dec, 2011 11:04 PM

hope he or she will come, nd make u feel good....

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sammy says:
27 Jan, 2012 11:54 AM

This the same thing whichh happened with me,but
the difference is of 4 years

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