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My Bast Friend


12 Sep, 2010 08:00 PM

I was about 2 when it happened. We moved to a new house and got a new dog, named Chico. he was sorta a punching bag, brother, and pillow for me at the time.He was my best friend. He wouldn't let anyone he didn't know go near me. I loved him with all my heart. Then school started when i was 4, almost 5. I gave him a big kiss on the nose every morning and as soon as i got home i would play catch with him. Then when i was 6 things got bad. My parents were always fighting and I was crying in my room with Chico. But I would normally sneak outside to lay with him because he was an outside dog. When my parents got a divorce i had to go live with my mom and my soon to be little brother. I only saw chico on the weekends and he would jump on me so i would sit on the floor hugging him. When I was about 8 years old i came to my dads house and my parents were friends for our sake, me being the only girl out of 4 brothers could get tough so chico was there to comfort me. The day when the guy from the verizion company came went bad because he came to early and blind Chico bit him, being the watch guard and all. The guy was suing us and my dad had no choice to put him down. I didn't know that and that Sunday when i was going to my moms i cried into his fur all day promising him i wouldn't let anyone hurt him and i cried and cried so much. so my mom and dad said they took him to a no-kill shelter. i believed he had a happy life for 3 years when my brothers stupid girlfriend accidentally said he got put down. I cried into my pillow all night and drew pictures of him and everything. He was my dog and nobody told me. so my dad still thinks i think he went to a no-kill shelter and only my mom my brother and my cousin know that i know. i miss you Chico, none can replace ever.

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