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tell us


18 Jun, 2010 08:29 AM

she stares into those big brown eyes that used to contain all the love in the world for her. she tries to press herself against his chest to hold him one last time but then he put his hands around her arms a pushed her away. she felt her heart shatter and all she wanted to do was burst out and cry, but she kept it together."why, why dont you love me is it some one else? well is it? what did i do wrong?answer me?" all he could do was look down at the floor wishing that the earth would swallow him in one peace. he didnt answer her, every time she asked him a question he tried to hide his face. he was no longer in love with her and yes there was someone else. he felt that he owed her at least an explanation but he didnt want to hurt her more. it wasnt his fault his heart fell out of love,it had nothing to do with her it was him. he felt like he betrayed her. she wanted to know the truth, why he was leaving her but as many times as she asked he did not respond. he turned his back on her and walked away without looking back. she dropped to the ground and cried but the rain drops disguised her tears. she was left feeling empty and alone with out knowing what it was that she did so wrong.

to all you guys out there that just leave a girl with out an explanation, it makes some of us feel like the problem was us when it was really you. we may not know that but the feelings that we get make us believe that it was us. even if it breaks our hearts tell us the truth dont just leave us there like a lost puppy trying to find its way home, help us, tell us that it wasnt us if it truly wasnt, if it was who cares tell us so that we dont feel so empty and regretful.

Tags: Explanation
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jaissica says:
05 Jul, 2010 07:28 AM

thanx write this story from a gal.....vry guy should have to tl hr lover the truth behiend breakup........but the choose the quitness which hurts more thn anythin else.......they cn juss our tears from eyes not from our heart ...."oh the mean guys"!!!!!

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