Showing sad stories for tag "suicide"

The fault in my stars


16 May, 2017 05:30 PM

My name is Jason. The story I want to tell is my own and it is as truthful as I can make it. I still don't completely understand it and I just need to get it out, all of it, for the first time. I was born May 22, 2001. My mother was a drug addict and was 16. I can't blame her for what happened, for leaving me. She left me when I was 1 and I never saw her again. I never met my father and I don't think I will. I went to foster home to foster home. When I turned 5 a family wanted to adopt me, they knew my mother and actually used to take care of me in day care. I was living with them and I was about to be adopted but My adopted father was going blind and there was so many... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Pain, Hope, Forgotten, Sad, Help
Votes: 34

So Much For My Happy Ending


26 Jul, 2012 09:37 PM

As I sit here, I'm still in shock about everything. It's taking every ounce of strength out of me to type this, and talking about it will take a lot out of me emotionally. First, I suppose I should tell a bit about myself. My name is Sabrina, and I am currently a freshman in high school, soon to be a sophomore. I love animals, art, and am a singer. I have long blonde hair and hazel eyes. His name is Gary. He is a year above me, so he's going to be a junior. He is about the sweetest person I know. Everything about him makes me fall for him. His big brown eyes, his voice, his warm skin, even his scent. He's one of those remarkable people that love all, even those who bully him, just because he's a little different. I don't know for sure that he's... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hurt, Heartbroken, Suicide, Missing, Alone, Sad
Votes: 6

A Few Hours Too Late


10 Jul, 2013 02:54 AM

I've always had a good life. My parents are together, I have a big family and lots of friends, and I never had a rainy day. The worst that happened to me was when we had to move for my dad's job. We moved practically every two years. My friends weren't close enough to me for me to miss them terribly until i started high school. My first class was full of people i knew. There were also many i didn't know. By the end of the semester most everyone in that class was on my good side. It was one of those days when the class goes to the computer lab to work and you're able to choose where you sit. There was one guy i didn't know. We'll call him Sam. I decided to sit with him. People say eyes are the windows to the soul. The first... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Best Friend, Death, Suicide, Loss, Tragedy
Votes: 35

How I lost my best friend


15 Jul, 2015 08:10 PM

Okay, so I had a best friend, like we all do, right? The one that you think will never leave you, will always be there when you need them, be like your rock, right? Well, this is what mine and Lucy's friendship was like. She was my world, my sister, my rock. Until I lost her last year.. We were friends all our lives, from the age of six months, when we met in hospital. I had complications with my birth and she had lung problems. I was bullied majorly in primary school and secondary school, up to this day still. And so was she, but she was bulled for something that she couldn't change, it wasn't her two mothers faults for being lesbian, was it? They were the best mothers I had ever met! Last year, on January the 13th, was the most horrible day of my entire life.... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Best Friend, Depression, Death
Votes: 41

Forever on my mind


17 Dec, 2012 07:26 PM

Hi, I'm Catherine and my story is about my ex and friend. So two years ago, I was new at a public middle school and I was going into 7th grade. This was the happiest year of my life so far even though I'm currently a freshman in high school right now. But that's not what this is about. So I met my first love and his name was Simon. I had the happiest times with him and he smashed my heart into millions of pieces when he dumped me. It took me a while but I got over him even though he is currently my best friend. A few months after my breakup with him, I met his friend, John, who was very sweet but a bit of a loose cannon and socially awkward to a lot of people. I kind of thought I liked John since he wasn't... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, True Story, Friend, Agony, Missing, Memories, Sad, Death
Votes: 8



24 Nov, 2012 07:41 AM

Well I guess it all started off last year when my friend committed suicide. No one knew why and I blame myself completely as her best friend, I should have noticed but I didn't. Soon after my parents got divorced. For years the only thing I'd asked them is "will you ever get divorced" because I couldn't bear the thought of losing a family life and they always said "no" but I realize now that the answer was yes, they were just waiting until I was older. People say the older you are the more it affects you because you get so used to living as 1 family in that lifestyle. My mum says that they didn't divorce earlier because they thought it would hurt us more (us being my brother and I). My mum was wrong. I don't love my parents for the way they treat me, as a... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Depression, Unloved, Sad, Lonely, Alone
Votes: 6

Imagine being in her shoes.


02 May, 2012 12:46 AM

Okay, so I heard about this story from my mom because this includes her friends daughter. Anyways, there were these 2 girls Rachel and Miranda (made up for their sake) and they were juniors in high school. They were in the top 5% of their class. Miranda being involved in dance and all kinds of sports, and with Rachel being involved in chorus, band, and student council they were 2 very well known girls. Everyone talked to them and none was mean and or hated them. One day Miranda and Rachel decided to tell everyone their little secret that was just between them. They thought that because this was such a good year they can come out of the closet now. So they did, but they made sure that everyone knew they didn't like each other, they just liked girls. People started giving these girls mean looks, talking about them... [Read More]

Tags: ACCEPTANCE, SUICIDE, Sad, Love, Unloved By Society, Sadness
Votes: 5

My nightmare life.


23 Nov, 2012 11:34 PM

So, this is my life, my story and my pain. This isn't a love story or any of that stuff this is my story, my entire story. You the people reading this will know how it all started, and how it ended. This story is all true, nothing made up. I hope you learn some stuff from this story. It all started in middle school. I had a lot of cool, Truthful and Helpful friends, at least I thought I did. Until one day I started being blackmailed over Facebook, Still not exactly sure how he found me but he did. He put up pictures of me Naked... I was disgusted, sickened and mad. That's where stuff started getting bad. I started loosing all my respect, friends and everything. I moved schools, thought I'd be happy and not bullied anymore, Right???, Wrong. I started being blackmailed again, the man came... [Read More]

Tags: Bullying, Suicide, Blackmail, Hate, Depressed, Sad
Votes: 12

I should have left him


24 May, 2015 07:28 AM

The following story is probably my futur. Most of it is true. The names have changed for privacy reasons. Two months into the school year I took notice in a boy. I have always thought some boys were cute and stuff but I actually liked him. I am the girl who never brushes her hair and wears jeans and a t shirt everyday and his hair was similar to mine and he dressed similar too. I really liked him. Around January, I started talking to his best friend Emely. They have known each other for a long time. Soon enough I told her I liked him. She then told me she knew his crushes. I was dying to know so we started talking more and more. The first is a belly dancer at my school and the second she doesn't know yet so I asked her to ask home because... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Suicide, Breakup, Depression, Death
Votes: -43

My Life


20 Oct, 2015 08:10 PM

I wrote a story a while ago also called "My Life". This story is the full story that answers a lot of questions. This story is the truth and only the truth, I warn you now this story is full of the worst of this planet. I was born may 22, 1999. My mother Cristina could not take of me, so she put me through foster homes, until the Torrens family decided to adopt me when I was 4. They were about to adopt me when Daren Torrens shot himself in front of me. I was then put back in the foster homes and then I was adopted by the Torrens when I was 5. Kelly, my stepmom, didn't talk and avoided me. When I was 8 Jeremy Capello married Kelly. He was 6 foot 7 inches and played basketball. He locked me in the bathroom and only let me... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Abuse, Heartbreak, Love
Votes: -46