Showing sad stories for tag "realize"



02 Sep, 2010 02:05 AM

for the guy I once loved so dearly.... I feel so lonely; much realization came up in my mind. When you have been hurt a lot of times and suffered a lot of heart aches?you will just grow tired. Even though how strong your love for that person, it just changes when you?ll realize that the love and all your sacrifices were not well appreciated and reciprocated. It is a wonderful feeling when you dream of a happy future together. But it was equally a very painful feeling when you?re just a few steps away from that dream, you?ll just realize that it wasn?t all you wanted. It?s not that you are looking or aiming for more?.it?s just that you are enlightened and it?s just now that you had opened your eyes and got a clearer view of reality. Yes, I love him and I dreamed my future with him.... [Read More]

Tags: Enlightenment, Love, Frustration, Realize, Freedom, Lonely
Votes: 1