Showing sad stories for tag "lessons"

Lesson learned


27 Jan, 2012 08:24 PM

I had loved this boy unconditionally.I did everything to make him happy, even though I was not happy. I gave everything he wants without thinking what I want. I even permitted him to cheat on me just so he knows how much I love him, but everything I did was not enough, he still left me. I was the nicest girlfriend he could ever have, but what went wrong? You see, when we broke up, I came to realize, everything that I said above was what's wrong in our relationship. I loved him unconditionally without loving myself first unconditionally. I was so insecure with myself that I thought I don't deserve any man that loves me. And so I make this pedestal so as to remind me, every man, in fact everyone is above me. If you see me, you would think I was so confident, but inside, I was... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hurt, Lessons
Votes: 1