Showing sad stories for tag "Son"

God's GIft


24 Mar, 2016 05:46 AM

Let's start this story out with a not so sad quote. "I will not say, do not cry. For not all tears are of an evil." -Gandalf the White. Okay, here we go... I was six years old at the time. I had a good life, outside my house. I had friends, I had talents, I was liked. I would go to school, ready to learn, go to recess, see my friends at lunch. It was the most exciting thing. The only down side was going home. I had to ride the bus. It wasn't a long ride, I was the second stop. The bad part, was walking up the front steps. I would debate on whether to go in, or stay out there. My parents wouldn't notice anyways. I ended up walking inside. I slowly turned the handle, making as little noise as possible out of fear that I... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Tears, Love, Family, God, Son
Votes: 18