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If I hadn't screwed up.


22 Jun, 2011 06:55 PM

There was this boy, and this girl, they had a thing for each other and talked and texted everyday. One day, the boy told her she was cute, she then told him the same thing. Worried that he'd never date her, he asked her out.She was freaking out saying "finally ! I get to be with him", she then said yes. It was only 2 weeks before they broke up. She thought she'd never get to be with him again. Then one day, he asked for her back, he told her how much he missed her. She then knew, that if she said no, she'd regret it, she said yes for the second time. They were the happiest couple, they fought over who loved each other more, talked about how much they miss each other, and how much they wanted to be in each others arms. Then one night her nightmare came true, they got into a huge fight, He told her to get over him, to never like him again. She cried and cried, wishing he'd never say that. They then broke up, and never talked for weeks, until... He texted her. She told him how much she missed him, how much she cared about him, how much she still loved him. He never cared he wouldn't take her back, he was done with her, then called her a b**** and said he'd never date her again. It was the worst thing she could hear from someone she loved. She wanted to kill herself that night, as she cried and cried. She told him she was going to, he called over and over again, texted her, though she never replied. She was done with him just as he asked. She then told him again, how she loved him, he still didn't care, she dropped the phone and fell on her bed crying over and over. As of today 3 to 4 months later, she still has feelings for him, she misses him, wants to be with him, but she knows she can't. Sadly, this girl is me. I'm only 14 years old, I may not know what true love is, but I still love this guy. Hearing to know that he doesn't like me, and would never date me again.. Hurts. But you can never give up, chase your dreams until you get to them, cause one day, I might even just be with him again.

Tags: Hurt, Unloved
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Dalecia Shay Satepauhoodle says:
07 Jul, 2011 01:36 AM

i know EXACTLY how that feels. i'm only 14, and i went through that too.. <\3
except there's another girl involved. <\3 that girl was my bestfriend.

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quiker 18 says:
07 Jul, 2011 01:57 AM

how sad.. :(

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Camp says:
07 Jul, 2011 02:24 AM

Hi,i'm so sorry this has happened to you little girl,life has disappointments,but u need to be strong, know That God is always by ur side,pray to Him and tell Him everything, it will be ok,cheer up okay because there are people who care about you

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Camp says:
07 Jul, 2011 02:28 AM

Hi,i'm so sorry this has happened to you little girl,life has disappointments,but u need to be strong, know That God is always by ur side,pray to Him and tell Him everything, it will be ok,cheer up okay because there are people who care about you,and u didnt screw up

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fk says:
07 Jul, 2011 11:26 AM

thanks guys ! and yeah, he still really means a lot to me.

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Alex says:
07 Jul, 2011 10:02 PM

hey i no it my be hard right now to hear this but u really diserver someone better than that nobody diserves to be called a b**** and frankly if you really love this guy let him go i can bet u there is a guy out there that will treat you better than that no female should be called any types of names lik that im a 17yrs old guy and last time another dude waz abusive both mentally and physically i broke his jaw for it no one should have to be put through that expecally a female you really

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Alex says:
07 Jul, 2011 10:05 PM

i really hope you find someone that will treat you like royalty and loves you just as much as you loved him

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Amy Dicker says:
08 Jul, 2011 03:32 AM

I love this boy in my class but his girlfriend is one of my friends. He is also one of my friends. I know how you feel.

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trio says:
08 Jul, 2011 09:46 PM

I'm going through the same thing right now.. we had a huge brake up.. he even called me a bitch in twitter; and this is our second brake up.. we had 4 and a half months together and it hurts.. cause i still love him but he did things to me that i just sometimes cry about it. I'm 13 by the way..

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aisha says:
10 Jul, 2011 05:13 AM

i feel sorry for you..i am even 14 and i loved a guy so much..i left him to give him freedom and for me to study telling him that i will come back..but after 4 months..i heard that he is now with another girl..guys a so hard to trust!!! :C

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Kate says:
30 Jul, 2011 05:17 PM

Hey I just want to say be strong. I'm fourteen also, and I personally believe that fourteen is too young for true love. If you love someone at fourteen, it usually ends bad. I'm gonna take Romeo and Juliet as an example. I don't mean to be so negative i'm really sorry but we're only fourteen. We have our whole lives to find someone we love. If he doesn't love you back and if he doesn't care then he's wrong for you and you totally deserve someone else. I have a philosophy.
"Sit back an relax. Shit happens. Shit will happen. But good things come too. In the end, I'll wind up where I'm meant to be with someone I'm meant to be with. Stay strong through the shit, keep your friends around you, and trust it all to God."
You're lucky you even got a boyfriend. I haven't had one yet. My friend sorta is going through the same thing. She likes this guy who's been her friend for literally 14 years and she's liked him since she was 4. He hasn't made a move, so she's decided to not like him anymore. It's really hard. I told her the same philosophy i told you. And don't worry. It'll all work out. I'll find my Mr. Right when I get older. I hope you will find your Mr. Right. And if the guy from your story IS your Mr. Right, then i hope it works out and i hope he comes to the conclusion that he made a big mistake in saying that he doesn't love you anymore. Good luck. Here's a mental hug!

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