Showing sad stories for tag "lost love"

Love like a Fairytale


18 Aug, 2015 05:40 AM

I met him at camp a few years ago. I had just gotten off the bus, excited and ready for a new experience. My friends and I were filled with joy and fun things to do during each day. Young Life Camp had forever been on my bucket list, and I was unbelievably excited to finally be setting foot on one of their camp grounds. My friends and I were instantly set up in our room when we got to camp, then we ran out around the green hills to explore. There were thousands of things to do, so we decided to throw around a frisbee and goof off. We situated ourselves next to a big tree and just tossed around the frisbee in a giant circle. Kids passed us by, some waved and said hello. Then one stopped and asked my friends if he could join in. I thought... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Lost Love, Missing
Votes: -6