Showing sad stories for tag "Hope"

My feelings are trapped...inside my soul


24 Dec, 2015 08:55 AM

I have so much that I want to express....and scream out loud from deep within my soul...of how much I adore this certain man. However, my feelings are absolutely trapped inside my soul and I have no way of letting it known....which eventually brought me to this place... If you haven't had a chance to look at my profile.... I am a professional model, who is also a grad student and a professional leader in health care field. I am just basically trying to explain that I'm not a brainless bimbo as you might have assumed to be. :-) I am a public figure with a large following, and I apologise in advanced that I will not be able to disclose my name or the name of the man who I adore.... Here is the story..,,. I somehow fell for this one man who I never had the opportunity to... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Hope
Votes: 4

Troubles In My Life

Kristina Gilpin

15 Jul, 2011 10:14 PM

I'm 25 years old withing theses last couple years of my life it haves been nothing but hell. When I was little my mother never was around she always left me and my brother to go be with strange men and drugs I know when she came home it was only for a couple of Min cause when she tuck me into bed she would rub the back of my head to put me too sleep so I wouldn't be up set when she left all I ever wanted is a mother which I still never got. When I was 8 years old my father took me over to my sister and her husband house to play with their kids well I got thirsty I went into the house to get some Kool Aid on my way back out my brother in law stop me he said he wanted to... [Read More]

Tags: Hope
Votes: 5