Showing sad stories for tag "Hate"



25 Nov, 2015 09:22 PM

Back in the 7th grade, I went to a party with my friend kimmy, it was at her friend's so i didn't really know any one their, But that's when i met Olajuwon, he came up to us and was talking to us for a while, i thought he was super annoying at first, he tried to chase me with a turtle which was weird. After the party a couple days later, I was on the phone with kimmy, and she calls him, And we were talking and i found out he went to the same school as me and kimmy, so me and him kept talking more and more and i fell for him, and then when i seen him at school and we talked, his friends made fun of him for it because i was in a special program, and they made fun of me all the time... [Read More]

Tags: Exboyfriend, Hate, Love
Votes: 4

A Ghost For Life- Love Is Hatred & Vice Versa


12 Oct, 2010 11:51 AM

She looked at him as he made his way past her to the gym. She smiled but received none. She Loved him dearly for 3 years but he never seemed to care. It was her 16th birthday, the day she confessed to him with hope in her eyes and heart that he would at least accept her as a friend if not a girlfriend, but instead he said, "I am not really in need for a girlfriend right now. Will tell you when i need one." Saying this he went off laughing with his friends. She was hurt. More than she could've ever felt. The pain in her heart that she bore rose the more she talked of him. She was just a freshman in her freshmen years. She wasn't like any one of those popular girls with hot clothes on every season or week. She wasn't even one of... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hate
Votes: 6

to young to know


12 May, 2016 10:53 PM

when i was younger not long to go i knew this man and he was my uncle and he did some thing to me i didnt no like this is my story the annie hopes story WELCOME HOME...... Well it all started out like this it was may,28,1999 and my mothers brother i didn't know he was in jail most of my childhood . well he said she knew me but i didnt really know him he said wow its been so long i seen you ....... i ran to my mother with complete fear she said well dear dont be afraid this is your uncle chuck and he been in jail for such a long time she said to me oh it will probaly take some time for her to get use to you as my mother rubbed my back and i stood there just looking into his eyes... [Read More]

Tags: Hate, Tears
Votes: 11