How to Write a Sad Story
11 Jan, 2013 03:29 AMWriting a sad story is truly a great art in itself; an art to bring tears into someone’s eyes by your words and not many writers have successfully achieved the reward of doing so. Greatest sad stories that have ever been produced are the ones that are written by the writer’s heart. I will be sharing with you what I believe are the essentials to write a sad story.
As I just said a story can only have enough sadness and pain in it if the writer is writing with all their heart. When writing a sad story one should bring themselves to feel any sort of agony and sadness they have ever felt in life. It could be out of loss of a loved one, being parted from a loved one or a best friend, leaving school or leaving childhood town, a loss in the business, loss of a... [Read More] Tags: Sad Story, Story, How To, Write