Jayjayz's Profile

Name: Jayjayz
Joining Date: 06 Feb, 2012 05:11 PM
About Me: Im 16 years old, Female. I am a very creative person.I do many things such as: Draw, Paint Write, Photography Listen to music and many more.. I sadely lost my Best Friend on the 5th October, She took her own life.... I am trying to he rmoving on, its taking alot but I am trying.... "Stay Strong & Keep Fighting" Love Life
Total Submission: 2
Total Comments: 5


Total 5 Comments
Hello, this is half based on truth, You are able to read this and many more of my books/poems on wattpad (APP) XxLivexLifexLovedxX
This makes me so sad because i lost my frind on the 5th of Oct because she killed herself...... Its sad and very hard to believe As she would say "Stay Strong" & "Keep Fighting"
Thank you, i am Staying strong:)
Thats really amasing, diferent type of peom but i like it:)
THUMBS UP, i like it , its really good, wanna chat?


Total Submissions: 2
Poem: Misery
Story: Why?