its funy how you can pass rite bye each other Like if he was neva a huge part of your life.when you left me i lost a huge part of me things changed. i thot i was finaly over you untiL i saww you the other day and you smiled i felt tears come out and all i can do is just act like im okayy wen realy im dying inside I MISS youu like krazy but you love her not me ..
Muhammad amin says: How much love as sweat moments like heaven also it hurts gives pain unbearable sorrows.
Where r u i miss u so much come on plz give me a hand i am crying i cant stop my tears????
How much love as sweat moments like heaven also it hurts gives pain unbearable sorrows.
Where r u i miss u so much come on plz give me a hand i am crying i cant stop my tears????