Serenity's Profile

Name: Serenity
Joining Date: 01 Aug, 2016 11:56 PM
About Me: I have been judged forever in my life by happy go lucky kind of family members on my mom's side. Maybe I'm the only one who never had a perfect life, things bothered me more than others, lonely, not smart enough, ugly,????) maybe I cryed too much but since I lost my mom and best friend I try hard to not cry now around family I'd be put in a Looney bin again, where I didn't fit in.
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Total 1 Comments
This picture and words made me feel better, my whole life I'm like the one who never felt good enough to be around my mom's family I was/am sensitive, lonely, quiet, felt pick.ed on. Even though I have tons of reasons to cry If I do it too much I'm sent to Looney house. I will treasure this thought shared.


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