Pride Ed's Profile

Name: Pride Ed
Joining Date: 26 May, 2014 11:05 PM
About Me: Just call me "Pride." I'm 21 and I live in the desolate state known as Ohio. Writing is my release, reading is my pleasure, music is my forever, and the alcohol just gives me more credibility! I love that fragile, thin line between darkness and light, and my alter ego which I use pretty frequently is no exception. Everything I write is nursed by classical horror, sad plot twists, and a life that is insanely painful one minute, and breathtakingly beautiful the next. I am hated, I am loved. I'm the romantic, and I'm the realist. I sing in metaphors, and play with the matter-of-fact..... Contradictions are lovely, and dreadful. "The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I will walk carefully." -- Russian Proverb.
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