PRINCE VIJ's Posted Comments

Total 72 Comments
hmmmmmmmmmmm i understand ur feelings liltweety,be happy,may be he has not good luck to be with u.
oh liltweety i feel really bad to hear about u,dont get upset,take care,be happy
Quote: Value of relation is not that how m...
Ur welcome Rab
Quote: The day when we met was my favorite...
Thanx lil tweety thanx alot,may i know about u who r u?
hmmm nanaghe
Hey FAIZA,dont get upset,he ll come if he loves u,be happy dear
Hmmmmmmmm,u dont know partha who is missing u,may be some one special who is missing u.
Hmmm sahil its true
??????????? what farizum?
Thanx maliha
Thanx maliha
Then show me ur pic sakthi,then i ll tell how u look like
Thanxxxxx Elena
Thanxxxxxx alot
Oh ok,All the best for ur album.
ur welcome rab,yes u can use it for a cd cover of ur next album,can i ask which type of album will this?