kikihmm's Posted Comments

Total 6 Comments
i cried at the end, i jus broke up wif my bf coz he was too immature nd always wanted to make me jealous.your story is so inspirational i wish that u keep on tryin or else u will leave wif regrets,bless u if u ever wanna tlk;
best of luck 2 u 2 in findin mr right
Quote: Don't be confident when someone is ...
i met dis guy nd he was all over me flirtin nd stuff he told he wanted to be wif me forever how stupid i was i believed em as time went by he lost contact wif me.i went 2 my bff`s party nd he was wif another gal sayin all dem stuff he used to say 2 me,my heart broken in2 pieces.da best part of dis sayin is dat its fav part;"even chocolates do expire so do feelings/sweetness"
Quote: I think I'd do better on my own, no...
All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.So honey nomatter what you are feeling it could be worse when you`re alone...
I think this poem has a meaning it should connect to life stories but not that they feel bad about it but to make the best out of it
well when i wrote this i was kinda in a bad place, and every thing was just meaningless but this was my voice a bit lyk a voice for the voiceless