Showing sad stories for tag "years"

The Inspiring Life Of . . .

Maddie West

18 Oct, 2013 01:48 AM

A girl named Maggie was born to old parents. Maggie grew up happy, social, and funny! The most important people in her life were: her BFF Britney, who she met when she was two; her aunt; her mom and her dad (of course!). Maggie had so many friends in preschool that sadly she had to leave most of them then come kindergarden and that's where she met most of her friends. She was good friends with on girl named, Kiki who was a great friend at first but then started to bully Maggie through the years. Maggie had many friends that would protect kindergarden through 5th grade. Yeah she was bullied up until fifth grade and it was on and off bullying. In first grade Maggie was not as talkative as before and stuck with a small crowd. In second grade she was very shy and developed a social anxiety... [Read More]

Tags: Life, Inspiring, Death, Sadness, Depression, Disorder, Bullying, Animals, Years, Friends, People, Best Friend
Votes: 0

4 years


21 Jun, 2011 11:53 AM

There once was a girl, who had dreamed all her life about finding her soul mate. She was the worlds biggest hopeless romantic, always dreaming about love at first sight; the kind of love that happens when you look at someone and time around you freezes. The only thing that is in your line of vision is that person, and vice versa. She'd been in many relationships, which didn't really last long, seeing that she was only 13. One of the relationships was really special, though. But it wasn't meant to be, and after they broke up, she was devastated. But she vowed that she would keep searching for that one special person. She dated another boy after that who used her. She was so distraught that she didn't see that he was just using her sexually. It brought back flash backs of when her father raped her, which was... [Read More]

Tags: 4, Years, Romeo, Juliet, Forbidden, Love, Distance, Longing, Angst
Votes: 7