Showing sad stories for tag "memories"


Jason Rhoades

08 Jan, 2013 10:53 AM

It’s dark. He lays alone in bed, wide awake, staring at the empty ceiling above him. His chest tightens as it breaks out in gooseflesh. He sighs, wanting to feel warm. But not the warmth of a blanket, the warmth of another is what he desires. To feel ones arms lay across his bare chest, to have the pressure of a cheek lying on his shoulder exhaling warm air on his neck. He longed for that feeling he once had. Sighing again, his eyes flash to the clock on the wall, 2:09. He missed her touch, her warmth, her breath. She had left him and he hadn’t stopped loving her, and now he lies wanting to feel her against him again, to feel together, needed, and even loved. He turns away from the ceiling and his desires, but to no avail. Missing the color of her lips, the smoothness of... [Read More]

Tags: Night, Memories, Love, Missing, Lonely, Sad, Breakup
Votes: 6

Forever on my mind


17 Dec, 2012 07:26 PM

Hi, I'm Catherine and my story is about my ex and friend. So two years ago, I was new at a public middle school and I was going into 7th grade. This was the happiest year of my life so far even though I'm currently a freshman in high school right now. But that's not what this is about. So I met my first love and his name was Simon. I had the happiest times with him and he smashed my heart into millions of pieces when he dumped me. It took me a while but I got over him even though he is currently my best friend. A few months after my breakup with him, I met his friend, John, who was very sweet but a bit of a loose cannon and socially awkward to a lot of people. I kind of thought I liked John since he wasn't... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, True Story, Friend, Agony, Missing, Memories, Sad, Death
Votes: 8

A way with dreams


14 Dec, 2012 07:59 PM

First of all this isn't going to be the best, but I will try my best to explain everything and all the details. This may not be a very sad story but too me it's my story. Okay, so my life has always been good, at least to me it was. I had an amazing dad who I loved me more than anything else in the entire world. He meant everything to me, he was my best friend! Everyday I would sit on his lap and we would always watch TV, Sanford and son, blazing saddles and more, but loved watching them with him. I was a huge daddy’s girl like most girls, I was his little girl and I always was. We had money, we weren't rich or anything but everyday we would go out and eat. He was a firemen, been there for over 17 years and... [Read More]

Tags: Dad, Left, Unloved, Memories, Father, Sad, Missing
Votes: 8

Who Would Have Known


12 Dec, 2012 01:08 AM

Who would have known that kids would have so many regrets when they grew up. Who would have known the pain you feel in your heart when its to late. Who would have known that you cared if though it didn't seem like it at times. Who would have known that you wouldn't live forever like I thought you would when I was a kid. Who would have known that my hero would get sick. Who would have known that I could talk to you when at times it felt like I couldn't. Who would have known that we would get so close. Who would have known that even though we are close I want more time to spend with you. Who would have known that I wanted you by my side every step of the way. Who would have known that you were proud of me. Who would have... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Father, Family, Memories, Hurt, Missing
Votes: 7

I Lost My Heart To You


08 Dec, 2012 12:21 AM

It was when I was 12, and I met a boy named Ethan. He was very shy,and wouldn't talk much. Suddenly, he began to talk to me a little. He would talk to me more and more,with each passing day. We traded phone numbers, and we grew closer and closer. One night, he and I kissed for the very first time. It felt like a lovers paradise. 3 years passed (This current year) and we were closer then ever. 6 months ago,he grew shy again,and eventually we talked less and less. 3 months ago,he called me suddenly and asked me to meet him at the park. His voice sounded very rusty,and also very pained and weak. I agreed,and 2 hours later,i was sitting on a cold bench in the park. It was creeping closer to midnight, and I grew very tired of waiting. I also grew very hurt, since he... [Read More]

Tags: Lost Love, Heartbreak, Stabbed, Sadness, Sick, Love, Hurt, Memories, Sad
Votes: 10

The last words with my brother


24 Nov, 2012 02:56 PM

It's been a while since I've experienced this. This happened in 2007, when I was Ten. My brother Chris was 18 at the time, and had lung cancer. He was growing weaker and weaker, he was coughing so much, and breathing was becoming hard for him. Very hard. On December 23rd 2007, 2 days before Christmas, I visited him in the Hospital. He was in the hospital because doctors expected him to pass very soon, and they didn't want him at home to die. Me and him acted very friendly towards each other. He acted like he had no cancer, and he was at home again. He laughed, he coughed, but suddenly he began to cry. He looked me right in the eye, and told me these words, the words that still haunt and make me cry to this day: "Rachel, I need you to know some things. No matter... [Read More]

Tags: Chris, Death, Sad, Cancer, Brother, Love, Missing, Memories, Sister, Sadness, Cry, Tears
Votes: 150

The day he went alone..


06 Nov, 2012 07:23 PM

It was two years ago. He had asked me to go ride bikes with him, but I refused. I was mad at the time. I'm not anymore. Anyway, he decided to go by himself..... He had gotten hit by a car. I ran to his side to see his bike handle bars had went through his chest. I pulled it out and tried to hold the wound closed. It didn't work well because I didn't have the necessary experience to stop the bleeding. I sat by his side holding his hand in mine. He kept mumbling about things I didn't understand. He gave a tight squeeze to my hand and whispered "I love you..." before the life left his eyes. I still remember that day...his blood on my clothes, the look in his eyes as he whispered to me, and the moment his eyes closed forever. I sat there cradling... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Love, Alone, Missing, Memories, Pain, Sadness
Votes: 4

He got away...


04 Aug, 2012 03:48 PM

When I was in my senior year,I met a man. We talk by phone. He was introduced by my cousin to me. Just a few conversations made him decide to meet me and visit me at our house,a quite long trip from where he was living. That's how everything started... When he arrived(by bus),I was in class so I needed for someone to fetch him in the terminal. so I asked my aunt to do that for me. Right after my class, I hurriedly went home. In my owe, he gets along well with my family so fast. I was shy to greet him at first. Luckily, he was confident enough to introduce himself. all I can feel that time is my blood rushing through my cheeks. I can't even look at him straight in the eye nor even glance at him. But I often catch him staring at me.... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Breakup, Missing, Memories, Girl, Sad
Votes: 8

Worst feeling ever


14 Jul, 2012 05:26 PM

I fell in love with this guy, He's 21 and I'm 18. Every time we got together I fell more and more in love with him. We would text each other everyday. While I was on vacation in Oklahoma, that was when I started to fall for him. He was the only guy I felt completely safe with. In his arms, when he holds me I felt so content. When other boys would hug me, I never felt that way. He knew how to make me laugh and how to make me smile. we slept together, not in a sexual way. We just cuddled next to each other, and fell asleep. One day after I slept at his house. He was gonna go shopping with this girl AKA his best friend. He told me things like I would be the first girl he would take on a date, how I'm... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, True Story, Heartbroken, Pain, Breakup, Alone, Tears, Betrayal, Sorrow, Memories, Hope, Hurt, Depression, Un
Votes: 10

Sister Separation


28 Jun, 2012 09:54 PM

In about 2009, just a few days before school got out for the summer, a tragic death happened to a 12 year old girl. There were two twin sisters, (I don't know their names.) They were super close, or maybe even best friends. School had just ended for the day. One of the sisters were on the bus, but the other was still getting stuff out of her locker, then she was finished and got up and ran to try and catch up. But the bus was already gone. So she called her sister, No answer. So she tried calling her parents to pick her up. They were at work in Chicago, so couldn't. So she chased after the bus, but as she was running she tripped. She couldn't move her leg, and the bus was coming and ran her over. She was quickly rushed to the hospital, but at... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Separation, Sisters, Pain, Memories, Sadness
Votes: 3