Showing sad quotes for tag "Sadness"

I know in a year you'll forget I'm gone, because I'm not really something to be dwelled on.
- Courtney Parker
Submitted By: Gypsie Rose
Tags: Sadness, Death, Worthless, Empty
Sometimes when you love someone you don't just let them go, you just have to find a way to make them happy without you
I close my eyes,
Cover my ears,
I'm scared.
Pinch my arms and say,
"It's just a nightmare."
You help your best friend the best you can to make them feel happy, you will be there for them when they need you... but in the end you will be left alone with your pain without anyone there to help you when you need them the most.
- K!M
Are monsters born or being created ?
where were you when I really need you?
- anonymous
Submitted By: Camelia Louise
Tags: Sadness, Friendship, Despair
Expectation is the root of heartache
Behind my smile is a hurting heart. Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart. Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am... isn't me.
Love comes at first sight; injuries too.
People always tell me that they love me..but when i am alone i just think do they really love me...??
Tags: Love, Alone, Sadness