Showing sad poems for tag "death"

Day Eleven


11 May, 2016 09:11 PM
Day one, no sleep, one pill.
Day two, no sleep, six pills.
Day three, no sleep, sixteen pills.
Day four, hospital coma 2 hours. 
Day five, no sleep, no pills.
Day six, no sleep, six pills.
Day seven, No Sleep, Sixteen Pills.
Day Eight noone notices.
Day Nine 24 pills, ambulance, coma 2 days.
Day ten still don’t notice.
Day eleven, whole bottle.No more pills. Eternal sleep
Then they notice…
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Tags: Medicine, Death, Depression
Votes: 0

Cut Off My Tongue And Drown In My Blood

Abby Kaskaya

12 Feb, 2016 12:26 AM
Don't talk 
Don't breathe 
Don't think of me 

Tears down your face
Choking on blood 
Smiles in the dark 
You fall with a thud....
Your visions turns blurry....
It all happened so fast....

The thing you thought of last....
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Tags: Selfharm, Crying, Death
Votes: 4

I fucked up


28 Jan, 2016 03:33 AM
I fucked up
I thought you would always be mine
I thought we would always be fine
I thought we would be okay 
That we would always have another day

I fucked up
I never thought to let you in
I thought that would be like a sin 
I thought you would hurt me
That you would crush me like a flee
[Read More]
Tags: Missing You, Death
Votes: 8

Like a Thief


08 Dec, 2015 01:11 AM
Desperation, it took me away like a thief
And you were left, with this broken belief
That nothing was wrong; that I wouldn't lie,
But you never knew of the many nights I'd cry.

Like a thief, death quietly crept in
And buried my broken dream, deeply within.
Little did you know, I was falling apart,
But no one could see, inside my breaking heart.

And so I was taken, suddenly, one day.
A memory left behind, of a darkening yesterday.
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Tags: Death, Tired, Dying, Goodbye, World, Cruel
Votes: 8



07 Dec, 2015 11:13 PM
I'm sorry for what I've done to you
I'm sorry for what I've put you through
I'm sorry for all the wrongs I've done
I'm sorry for making your life no fun
I hope this note doesn't sound vain,
but I'm sorry for all the hurt and pain
I guess this is goodbye 
Don't be sad, Do not cry
I don't know what else to say
I'm sorry I have to leave you this way
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Tags: Sad, Death, Suicide
Votes: 9


Ai Shinamori

06 Dec, 2015 10:27 PM
Oh the anguish I have suffered
Lamenting, hurting, dying inside knowing what I did to you
Knowing my cruelty is what did this to you

Both you and I know what I did to hurt you so
But please don't hate me
I promise I didn't mean to

You were my foundation
Everything I know and love is because of you
And even when you left me
You had everything set up so I would become successful
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Tags: Guilt, Death, Suicide, Family
Votes: 6

~Relief Into The Abyss Is Me~

Jeanie Leyba

05 Dec, 2015 04:40 AM
Let me go, set me free of this 
Paralyzing sickness that has
Taken complete control of me

All this pain I carry eating me alive
All this rage I feel the blackness
That drowns me, suffocates, suffocates, 
I'm choking in this poisen that is destroying
Me, consuming every breath I have left

Let me go, set me free, release me
I don't want to fight anymore
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Tags: Pain, Darkness, Despair, Death, Depression
Votes: 9

As the sun goes down


03 Dec, 2015 09:30 PM
When the sun goes down, will you remember me?
As the moonlight leaking through sets me free?
Will you cry away, or attempt to be brave?
Knowing I lie at rest, in some distant grave.

Will you seek my presence, in dreams beyond?
If I whisper your name, will you respond?
Will you hear my cries, or desperate calls?
Through the loneliness trapped inside my walls.

Can you feel the dawn, slowly creeping in?
As death steals away the last pieces within?
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Tags: Breath, Forgiveness, Death, Live, Die, Midnight, Sunlight, Depre
Votes: 8

End of the World


26 Nov, 2015 03:04 AM
People say the worst part is waiting
Waiting helplessly
Knowing you can do nothing
People are wrong

The worst part is when you do find out
When you hear but don't believe
When you can't believe
When you loose hope

The worst part is feeling like your heart stopped
Like you died too
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Tags: Death, Finding Out, Hopelessness
Votes: 16


jerry harrenstein

21 Jun, 2015 11:58 PM
I woke up this morning
only to find my woman's
tears drying on my pillow.
She must have left during
the night without saying
good night, fearing I would
not want to listen to her

I could only hope that it was 
not something I said that made 
her think I was lying
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Tags: Death, Love
Votes: 2